After the storm

Hurricane Irene was all talk, but I am glad, we were fortunate enough not to get any severe damages or have our power go out. In fact, our internet stayed on, the Directv went out, but I had a ton of stuff on my DVR I needed to catch up on such as LA INK and International Ghost Hunters. I was able to blog and surf and lounge around. I entered a few contests and was pretty productive. We only had branches fall in our backyard which we have to clean up once hubby is off from work, because theres no way I can do that on my own, unless I get a lil too happy with the chainsaw and go Texas Chain saw Massacre on those branches! lol

I dropped Jermie off to work and he later called me to tell me since Target was out of power for 24 hours, they had to throw away all their groceries: $30,000 worth of food that you have to throw out that expires once not refridgerated or frozen over 24 hours! Isnt that crazy??????

I got the oil changed on the car, then came home cleaned up a bit and decided it was time to clean my makeup brushes. I wash them weekly usually on Sundays or Mondays, or right after a job/photo shoot. From a few different bloggers, it was recommended to use Dr. Bronners Magic Soap. I was at the Heritage Store in Virginia Beach, VA a few weeks ago with my sister getting candles and body wash, I came across this organic soap. I know it is sold at Target and other stores, but it is sold in one size (the largest size) which I believe is like $16. I didnt want to buy the big bottle just so I could try it out, so I bought the 2 fl oz. bottle for $3.

Close up of Dr. Bronners Magic Soap in Lavender
There are other scents such as tea tree and I think there is one more, but I love the smell of lavender much more.

So, here are the steps for washing my brushes:

1. Fill a container up with water and a tsp of this soap. Take your brushes one by one and just soak enough to get the bristles wet (be careful not to put the whole tip in the water so that the glue does not loosen and causes hair to shed out of brush)

2. Once each brush is soaked with soap, I go back through and individually clean them just rubbing them in my palm in a windshiled wiper motion. I gotta say I was SURPRISED at how much pigment and color came out of my brushes, each brush I took a drop of soap in my palm and rubbed them, and even when I thought they were clean, i put a drop of soap and more came out! I was shocked!!!

3. Then I took some Tea Tree Lavender Mint conditioner and took each brush and lathered them up, let them sit for 5 minutes and then rinsed them one last time

Here is the conditioner I used, I didnt use the shampoo since I used the Magic Soap. I got these DUOS on sale for $39, usually priced $33 each bottle. But Paul Mitchell is having a sale on this DUO so go to your nearest salon and pick one up before they are sold out! I got my whole family hooked on this! and all my guests and clients! hehehehehe  Tea Tree will take over the world!!!

Sigma has a brush drying system where your brushes will dry quicker in this lil holder. Well, I decided to take my brush holder from Paul Mitchell that I got in my kit that I never use until now, and decided to use it to dry my brushes. Check it out:

I am always trying to find a cheaper way to do things and so far these babies are drying really nice!

Here is my makeup for the day: Fun and flirty!

I gotta go, thanks for stopping by Sweet Surrender! I hope you subscribe and comment below!

Quote of the day:

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.