Happy Saturday! It is a nice cool breezy sunny day, ( a lot of adjectives there…geeez) and I have spent the day organizing al my upcoming projects I have to work on. I was up late working on my illustrations. I took a break and snapped a quick photo of my desk and all its mess. You can see my new watercolor set I bought from Michaels (only $4.99) and I love it.
Yesterday, I colored in the sparrow compass rose tattoo using colored pencils, watercolor paints and my wax pencil. I really love the way this design came out. Check it out!
I then, took the tip from Sara Fabel, and I am sure many artists prolly do this trick, but I learned it from her video. I am not that good in photoshop yet, but I am pretty decent at Corel Paint Shop Pro ( I feel its more user friendly). I scanned this and then separated them and then arranged them in a more pleasing placement. ( you can see where I missed a few spots I didn’t erase, hey I’m not a pro yet)
I am proud of myself for the improvement I am seeing in my work. I know I am growing as an artist.
I need to get back to work on more designs, I just wanted to do a quick post and share it with my lovely readers out there!
Thanks for looking and see ya again soon!