
logo juicycanvas
Hello my artsy fartsy friends! Today I wanted to share with you another fun up and coming company called “JuicyCanvas”, where many underground and talented artists are able to use their artwork and allow anyone to “remix” it and customize it any way they want and have it printed pretty much on anything.
This company may be new to you, but not new to the fashion scene, as it was founded by Artur Maklyarevsky and Deb Brugiati, who are not only business partners, but they’re married! They launched their creative business in Latin America, then moved to good ol’ New York to expand on their dreams!
Baby Onesie JuicyCanvas
When logging onto JuicyCanvas, you have hundreds of options with over 200 artists to choose from. You can take a design, change the colors, the size, the shape and have it printed onto a canvas, a onesie, a tote, a tshirt and even phone cases! If you are an artist, you also have the option to be apart of this company and start remixing your own art!
Custom Canvas
In order to bring more options and expand the have recently launched a campaign to help raise funds for improvements!
You can find all their information at Indiegogo, under JuicyCanvas! If you have never heard of Indiegogo, it’s a lot like Kick Starter, where a goal is set and people can participate in different level options. With Indiegogo, even if the goal is not met, the money is still donated, unlike Kickstarter where if the goal is not meant, no money is invested.
Custom Mobile CaseCustom T-shirt. JuicyCanvas
JuicyCanvas is perfect for those involved in fashion or style that is outside the norm. If you’re like me, I like finding things that not everyone is wearing. This is perfect for those who feel the same way. Now you have the chance to design your own t-shirt and at a decent price! They do offer worldwide shipping, so no matter where you are, you can create a masterpiece and rock it where ever you go.
I think the concept of this is so creative and fun and can appeal to anyone of any age, from your average joe, to dancers, street performers, artists, anyone who can appreciate art in any form such as this geek right here! Go check them out and see what fun things you can create!
Go follow them!


Our site: www.JuicyCanvas.com
Indiegogo campaign: www.juicycanvas.com/go