A day to myself

I took a day off today and called in sick, the first time I have called in sick since working for the company I work with now. I am still a lil frustrated with them, and I didnt want to go to work with a major attitude. I needed today to cool off and collect my thoughts and get some more stuff done with my packing. i feel bad calling in sick, but I need to focus on myself right now. I only have a few more days at this job anyways. But I took today to sleep in and when I woke up, Ive been online looking up stuff and about to start packing some more but just wanted to post something even though its not relating to art or fashion. Just in a funk and felt like writing. Well, short post today, will write more later.

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Frustrated with my Job

Do you guys ever have get so sick and frustrated with your job you just want to walk out? Like the phones are ringing off the hook, you got customers yelling at you and your paychecks arent on time and everything seems to be just going downhill. I had to keep my head because I cant afford to lose my job. I only have a week left at my job but I need every penny I can afford and I dont want to ever burn bridges. Do you ever feel stuck? I feel like that now. I have a week and a half left here and I have so much to do and I feel like I am not gonna have enough time. I am so tempted to just walk away now because I need time to finish up packing and some projects I need to complete, and I just dont have time and when I get home from work, I am exhausted. But the sensible side of me is that I definetly need my last paycheck because who knows how long it will take before I can find a job when I move. When I get like this, I just remind myself that this all is temporary and this pushes me to work harder in accomplishing my dreams of owning my own business. If my current job has taught me anything, its how NOT to run a business. Soon, I will only work for myself and do something I absolutely love, which is designing clothes and creating art that helps to inspire others. I just had to ventthis out for a minute or two..but for now, back to my projects. Bye!

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Rain and Thunder

I just made it home right before the rain really started to come down. I just got off work and headed home when it first started to rain. It had me thinking about how I love the rain. Right now, it really doesnt rain too much in Colorado, but I am heading back to Virginia in just a few short weeks and when I was walking in the rain, I felt a release of emotions and feelings like the rain just washed away all the tension and all the stress that my body has built up in the past few years. All my hard work to go home is finally paying off along with all my patience. I never thought the time would come, but everything worked out. I have so much to be thankful for, my family, my friends that stood by my side and my children. Motivation kept me going. The road Ive traveled has been long and bumpy but it was worth it. Being able to go home and be with the people I love is worth going to hell at back. I cant wait, I have so many plans when I get home. I am definetely going to focus on my art more. Im getting all my supplies back up and gonna start designing. I am saving up for my airbrush kit so I can practice my mad skills. hahaha!

well, I dont wanna ramble right now, I just wanted to write for a few minutes and send this out to the universe! Hope you have a good day!

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New Beginings Fresh Start

I have moved a total of 33 times in my life. I am only 26, a lil nuts huh?? I grew up in a military family and was used to the life of moving and packing boxes and tape. Always the new girl and kept to myself alot. When I was younger, I dont know if I hated it or liked it, I just used to go with it. I like to think of myself as a shy kid, but everyone tells me different. Looking back, it was an advantage I had to pick up and move to a new place. I could start over each time, change something I didnt like. Always being the new girl gave me the courage to make new friends and experience different areas. In terms of art and fashion, moving around gave me the opportunity to see trends and art in other cities. I loved it. Every new school I went to I took and art class, and a sewing class. By the time I was a teenager I was really good at sewing and sketching. My mother pushed me into going to a technical school for fashion design when I was 16.

It was funny, i was stubborn and didnt want to go, being a typical teenager I guess. I went to the open house and was there for like 15 minutes and left, I didnt want to go. I ended up going anyways and it was the best time of my life. 2 years I spent with a group of girls in a fashion design program. I loved it.

I never realized it, but growing up, I never saw myself as an artist. My family knew different. I shouldve realized that I would one day be an artist. I mean, cmon, at 9 years old, I had a drafting desk. And every birthday and holiday while some kids got toys for presents, I got new art supplies and loved it.

I was soooooo focused on my art back then and now as an adult, I look back and I never had a chance to really focus on my art. Life got in the way. The past year I have slowly been trying to get back into fashion and Ive come along way. And the reason I write today is that its time for me to move again and I am going back home and I plan on really being on it. I am gonna go back to school at the Art Institute and take hold of what I really want to do. I want to start my own clothing line and do custom art on bikes and cars and clothing and just talking about it gets me all excited and anxious to get home.

I am totally random in my thoughts today, but wanted to write. so who ever is reading this hpe it made some sort of sense!

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