
It is Wednesday, wait a minute, no it's Thursday! The week is flying by and it's been very productive! And I'm thankful to keep myself busy especially when things have been crazy. My life seems to be taking sharp and twisting turns, leaving me to try to understand them.

I will say that in the midst of change, I am becoming stronger and even more sure of some ways. But other ways, I am unsure of which direction I should move towards. It's not that I'm scared of change. I know things need to change. I fear I am becoming "comfortable." I don't like that one bit. I love to challenge myself and rise to the occasion of what is presented to me.

I being faced with decisions...that affect multiple parts of my life. Personal wise, work wise, art wise. It can be a lil overwhelming. I'm taking the day today to relax and let things fall into place.

As for these decisions I need to make, I am breaking out the ol' pen and pad to go over the pros and cons of what I need to do to help me in my big decisions.

If you are facing change and need to make a decision, you are def not alone. The only advice is go with what you feel is right in your heart and make sure you really think about what will happen on what you choose. Life can change so fast, you gotta be ready for it. Don't be afraid to change. Things happen for a reason. 

Thanks for stopping by Sweet Surrender! :) See you again soon!