Luck of the Irish

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone! I hope everyone had a good day! We had a pretty good day, even though the weather was a bit cold and gloomy since last night it rained! I haven’t blogged in a few days and it’s not because I forgot or didn’t want to, I was just so exhausted! I was pretty busy with drawings and photoshoots, and now that I have rested a bit, I have the energy.

We all had our green on today and headed down to the Virginia Beach Convention Center for a craft show.



We caught the end of the show, but it was nice and not too crowded. They had all sorts of vendors there who made custom jewelry, wooden furniture, desserts, candles, salsa and so many different things. I love these type of events because it’s by local artists and I am all about supporting local artists!

I bought one of those wax warmers that plug in and melt the wax, I have been looking for one for my studio so it can smell oh so nice! I got the lavender vanilla wax, which I LOVE LAVENDER!! It is so relaxing.


The kiddos got some yummy snacks too…Matthias got some banana nut pound cake and Arabella got some chocolate peanut butter whoopie pies. They also picked out postcards of paintings by a local artist. Here are a few things that Jermie took pictures of because he really loved them.Some are really cute and funny. Matthias wore hit furry dog hat and everyone loved it.








Then, we headed to my mom’s house where we ordered pizza and I’m catching up on Face Off and Walking Dead!
