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8 Months

Its August.....and I am ashamed to even call myself a who goes 8 months without posting? This girl right here. What is up with that? welllllll.....long story short.....Been a busy year. And My heart just wasn't into blogging like I used to. I used to use my blog as my creative outlet and I loved it. But then I got too distracted by other social media and just caught up. I took a break from that to recenter again like most artists do.
So, Ill try to give ya a somewhat update to what I have been up to.
I colored my hair red at the beginning of the year to break up the boring-ness I had reverted back to.
I took a trip to Baltimore with some friends from my previous life in the army and had an absolute blast.

My art space got a beautiful makeover thanks to a very organized OCD friend of mine who took a look at my workspace and said "How do you get any work done?" Which I happily replied with shrugged shoulders...."I am an artist" As you can see I lost this battle.