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The Secret to Thrift Stores

I do have a slight shopping addiction. But in my defense, I am still a bargain shopper and most of my shopping is at thrift shops or at least in the clearance section of stores like TJ MAXX. I just cant help myself. I mean, I could if I just stayed home, but where’s the fun in that??? I made a quick video that I am uploading now. So, check it out below!

I stopped by the Antique center, and I saw a lot of great pieces that served as motivation for what I want in my future home.


I am really into Big Armoires lately. I would love to get a big one like this above, and turn it into something like this:


I saw this old Coca Cola cooler fridgerator and I just thought it would be cool if that was my fridge instead of a normal one. Because to me, certain forms of normal is boring.


Look at this cute kitchen!!!


One day…I will have my crazy house with all my crazy stuff. But until then..I will keep dreaming.

I have been talking about extensions on and off here for the past few weeks. I visited Lah yesterday and she did my fusion extensions! I ordered hair online, and I am testing out different types of hair so that I can start offering my clients this service.

This was before I got them in, I just held it up to see how they would look.


Here is me and Lah hanging out! We look like we just woke up! hahaha


I got a chance to really style it today and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hair! What do you guys think?


I just wanted to share my new locks with my lovely readers! I made a video on extensions that I still need to edit, so be on the lookout! And if you haven’t subscribed to my youtube channel, make sure you do! (Link is on the side)

Have a great day and see you in the next post!
