Where did you get that Ring???

I have had tons of requests asking me where I got my ring. A lil while ago my great Aunt Lucy tricked me and my mom into attending a party and it ended up being one of these jewelry parties. Usually I dont like anything that these consultants try to see me and usually the jewelry is expensive and doesnt last long. I was surprised to find out that although this jewelry is a lil pricey, They have a lifetime guaranty, that if their jewelry breaks or chips, you can send it back and they will send you a replacement and if it is out of stock or no longer available they will give you credit or give you your money back. I instanly fell in love with this ring and so did my grandmother. lol. I guess her and I have the same style. lol I wear it with everything, even in sweatpants and sneakers I still wear it and it makes my hand really pretty. :)

You can check out their jewelry at the link above. Hope you enjoy and If you want to order something, I know a consultant! lol

All Will Prevail