I have been on Craiglists looking for a second job all day and typed in "tattoos" for fun and I actually found a pretty cool site for those that are into tattoos. If you have followed me for a while, you know that I want to one day apprentice to learn how to tattoo. But for now, I am working on my drawing and illustrating skills by drawing tattoo designs. I draw them for friends, family and clients that contact me.
This website Create My Tattoo is for people who are looking for custom tattoo drawings and for tattoo designers. A client can hold a contest listing what they are looking for and give a deadline and a prize value. Artists enter their interpretation of a design and the winning design gets the prize. Oh yea, and It's free to register! Just click on the register link in the top right hand corner of the page and its fast and simple!
I am making it a goal of mine to do at least one tattoo drawing a day to improve my skills and with that enter a contest everyday. That would be pretty to cool to win a few contests, but I just want to improve myself. :)
But I also have great news! I have a job interview on Monday for SportsClips and I am pretty excited. So wish me luck! I'm off to go finish a contest entry. I'll post it when I am done or a link to my profile on Create My Tattoo! Good luck for those who check it out and decide to enter their artwork.
Thanks for stopping by! See ya again soon!