August is here already, which makes me excited because It is closer to my favorite month, September! Plus, the weather will start getting cooler and I love Autumn! This month has a few awesome things coming up, such as The First Annual Virginia Beach Tattoo Convention! I have been talking about this for a few months ever since I first found out about it!
I plan on going that Sunday since I am off work. I might get my knuckles tattooed possibly. That week is also going to be a Comicon in Hampton that Thursday and Friday. I really want to geek out and go and take the kiddos, but my schedule will be tight enough we wont be able to go.
I wasn’t feeling too well last week, but I did manage to get a little drawing in and some tattoo practice. Check it out:
Its about 1am and I need to go to bed! I hope you all have had a good monday! See ya in the next post!
Good afternoon my lovies! How is everyone doing? I just got back from taking the pup for a walk and sweating my butt off because the humidity is kickin high today, at least in my area. I live about 2 1/2 miles from the beach, so its not too bad, but it’s a bit muggy.
We picked up our new puppy, Mystique, last night and she was a lil out of it due to her surgery. She is such a lovie dovie dog, and she slept with us all night long. She was afraid of the stairs, so she has been avoiding them, but the kiddos trained her by bribing her with food.
I already have a funny story! So, you know I am a hairstylist and I have a few mannequin heads lying around, I threw one of the old ones on the floor and she went full frontal attack on it! It was actually quite hilarious. I managed to get a small video of it. I posted it on my new Vine Account, so if you wanna check it out, Find me I am user Sweet Surrender!
Also, for any fellow artists that are reading, Check out Jerry’s Art-O-Rama Summer giveaway with Pinterest!
Check out more details by clicking on the picture below!
I have a busy week! I am in search of a salon that is close to where I live, (at least in the same city) and also that suits me and my style and of course, my clients. I have a few interviews set up through out the week and next and I will more than likely be going back to my shaved side and bright colored hair, because I simply cannot stay away!
I have tons of tattoo designs to draw up for clients and I have been a bit behind. Oh yea, before I forget, I did a couple more tattoos, just did some filler, which I am not done, and did my first cover up. I am still practicing, so please bare with me!
I am slowly building myself up and my skills.
Thanks for stopping by and see you in the next post!
Good morning yall! I just finished editing a video that I filmed earlier this week that I kept putting off, and actually I didn’t even have to edit it so yay! This week, like almost every week has flown by! I wanted to share some photos and a video of my past week and some of the things I have been working on. Arabella and I and had some good mother and daughter time last weekend at the Chesapeake Jubilee, she was my lil helper. While I facepainted, she put temporary tattoos on the kiddos that came by our table with Executive Tattoo. It was a good time although it had rained on and off on saturday and things were a lil muddy, but we didn’t let that put a damper on our weekend!
Here are some designs I was working on which I am thinking of putting on a display board for whenever I have any gigs.
Of course, I have to share some of my artwork that I have been working on:
Here is A progress shot: the rose on the left is a the first rose I ever drew about 4 years ago while living in Colorado, and then the rose on the right is a rose I did a few months ago. I love seeing how I am improving over the years. It is true to get better you have to PRACTICE!
I have been working on this dragon design for what seems forever, I originally rendered it with a red and yellow dragon, but the client wanted to see more red in the dragon, so I redrew it and stayed up all night coloring it!
Then, I started on this Ohm design for my sister, Nique!
Before I forget to post, check out my latest video on youtube!
And if you missed the video I posted last week, you can see it here too!
It’s 440am. I just got done with a tattoo illustration that took me all night to do. I wanted it to be just right. It’s a military tribute tattoo and I get a lil emotional drawing up those type of designs, especially since I have been overseas and have lost many dear friends. I hope to draw up my own tribute tattoo for the time I served, but just haven’t yet, because I want it to be just right. Here is a hint of what the tribute tattoo has in it. Hopefully, I will win this design at
Oh yea, here is the design I won over the weekend:
Last week was a busy week for me. I’ve been going hard on my new business, I finally manned up and got everything situated with my business license so now I can actually make a living from freelancing with makeup and body paint and all my artwork I have been doing. Whew, talk about paperwork and forms and fees. But it’s all worth it to me. I feel a sense of pride knowing that I work for myself and that I set the rules on how I want to work. I feel more motivated to work hard because it’s helping my family not some corporation. Ok, ok, enough of my tangent, it’s too late for that. Well, I guess it’s too early for that right?
My weekend was good, did a few gigs while hubby took care of sick kiddies who in turn got him sick with a stomach virus that I escaped unscathed! Mwahahahahaha (insert evil laugh) I’ve been doing a lot of shoots with Roger Mitchell’s Motiontography and I am loving it! It feels good to do something I love. Here are a few photos!
I am so behind on my videos too! But I got a package from a blogger in Australia from Valentines day, I sent her a package, but it just returned to me ( I filled out customs sheet wrong and I cant send perfume or body spray) so I have to resend it to her and she prolly thinks I totally blew her off. (I’m sorry if your reading this, I will get it together again) I want to show you guys what she got me.
I am sooo tired now that I have stopped drawing, so I will wrap this up and go to bed. I will keep yall posted as always what random adventures I have going on! Have a great morning, or afternoon, or evening-whatever time it is where you are reading this!
xoxox, Cecilia
Find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, and a heart that will love you at your worst. Then you have found true love.
I cant get enough of this song. I just love it. I must have hit the replay button on this song along with a few others.
I just got done drawing up another design for another contest. I’m hoping to turn this into an actual job. haha They always say “DO what you love and the money will follow” I feel like that is happening. It’s like every direction I have gone in my life always leads me back to art. IN some shape or form, I always go back to art. I was so focused in fashion and my art in high school, then I joined the military and it was like I forgot I was an artist. I found myself only drawing when I was on deployments in my spare time. When I got out, I went back to school, back to art and loved it. Life happened and other things happened that distracted me like my kiddos, but I wandered back here and there. Years pass again, more life happens, and I go back to school.
When I attended the Art Institute I was so excited, in love that I was back involved in art studying fashion. I only attended 6 months, but they were the best 6 months of college I ever had. Fashion Illustration, color theory and Intro to Drawing were just my favorite. Art was my way of escaping from the real world. AT that time, I lived in Colorado and I wasn’t living in the best conditions but I pushed myself. I really feel like those times were almost the hardest and darkest times of my life. Art was my light. This was when I started drawing tattoo designs and started thinking about one day being a tattoo artist.
Above was one of the first designs I made for an ex boyfriend (heartless is right too! that’s should’ve been my sign lol)
I have really branched out since then. I went back to school when I moved back home to Virginia Beach 2 1/2 years ago and changed my major to graphic design, and then also enrolled in hair school, going to 2 schools full time. I was busy but happy. I discovered more of who I am as an artist in 2011. From makeup, to hair and to my artwork.
In 2012, I started working for Xotic Eyes, and I was really happy to work there for the experience and also because I was helping to create new looks and do the hair and makeup for the photoshoots. Then, after that going to work for a salon, I was excited to help create beauty. But I still always felt like it wasn’t enough.
And now, the past couple weeks, I have been putting my all into my sketches and artwork and trying to open my mind up and create beauty through tattoos and I feel so complete. I have developed a routine and I have to admit, I am loving it. Money is starting to roll in, slowly but surely and that tells me that I am headed into the right direction. And it feels good. I cant be afraid, I just have to do it.
I just wanted to share that with you and I hope that I didn’t bore you to death with this super long post!
Ill leave on this quote:
“You can’t make your dreams come true if you aren’t awake”
Today’s my lil brother, Lucas’s 12th Birthday! So, I want to say Happy Birthday to him, even though he doesn’t read my blog. hahaha I cant believe how fast he has grown up. I was 17 years old when he was born! My bros and I are all spaced out 9 years apart! Crazy huh? Here is a pic from when he got a mohawk in December! ! So cute!
It’s already February. Ugh. We have had some snow a few days ago, I couldn’t remember if I told you that. Our weather is so funky here in Virginia. Snow one day, crazy windy hurricane rain, warm enough for some people to wear shorts and flip flops, I am really surprised I haven’t gotten sick yet, but then again, I have been holed up in my house. Although, I did have to leave the house for some interviews. Looking for a job sucks, but necessary if I wanna pay the bills and keep food on the table right? hahahaha
So, I won my first contest on this morning, which made my day! I mean, a lot of people pay me to draw them tattoo designs, but its usually people I know. Well, last year, I did have someone from Canada hire me to draw something too. But you know it’s always a nice compliment when someone chooses your design out of a bunch of other artists. Here is the drawing I won (in case your wondering)
This was a music inspired tattoo, the translation is “We Live in the shadow of Music” I believe that’s right.
I also did this nice sleeve design and this one is for a friend of mine whom I attended hair school with. I really love this sleeve design. Whenever I draw something up, I always try to draw up something I would get myself. If I don’t like it, I will redo it. Check it out!
I have been trying to keep busy since I am not working. Just focusing on my artwork. Been fiddling with many projects, from my freelance website, to drawing, blogging, pinning, youtube videos, interviews, laundry, blog design. I’m hoping all my hard work will pay off.
I have been on HULU watching all my shows: Project Runway, which just started again! Then, watching FACE OFF..which I am sooo in love with. I wish I had the supplies to get into that field! I think that’s right up my alley too. Sigh….one can only dream right now.
Well, I am off to draw some more. Just wanted to show ya some drawings and share a random video I filmed a few days ago
See ya again soon!
xoxox Cecilia Marie
Don't confuse your path with your destination just because it's stormy now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine.
I have been on Craiglists looking for a second job all day and typed in "tattoos" for fun and I actually found a pretty cool site for those that are into tattoos. If you have followed me for a while, you know that I want to one day apprentice to learn how to tattoo. But for now, I am working on my drawing and illustrating skills by drawing tattoo designs. I draw them for friends, family and clients that contact me.
This website Create My Tattoo is for people who are looking for custom tattoo drawings and for tattoo designers. A client can hold a contest listing what they are looking for and give a deadline and a prize value. Artists enter their interpretation of a design and the winning design gets the prize. Oh yea, and It's free to register! Just click on the register link in the top right hand corner of the page and its fast and simple!
I am making it a goal of mine to do at least one tattoo drawing a day to improve my skills and with that enter a contest everyday. That would be pretty to cool to win a few contests, but I just want to improve myself. :)
But I also have great news! I have a job interview on Monday for SportsClips and I am pretty excited. So wish me luck! I'm off to go finish a contest entry. I'll post it when I am done or a link to my profile on Create My Tattoo! Good luck for those who check it out and decide to enter their artwork.