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Chinese New Year

Last night, I was booked with Magical Solutions Inc (a company I contract with) for an event at Origami Asian Bistro and Lounge to help them celebrate the Chinese New Year. 

I painted my version of celebratory Chinese New Year Makeup on 6 Lounge Girls, each with a slightly different neck design and added Orchid flowers and a ton of glitter! 

We had 2 stilt walkers and 3 cirque mimes as part as the entertainment as well, which I helped to also paint their faces as well. 

It was a great event, and officially the first face/body painting event to kick off 2017! 

I can't wait to share the next event with you! Thank you for stopping by and see you soon! 

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something.
 Neil Gaiman

8 Months

Its August.....and I am ashamed to even call myself a who goes 8 months without posting? This girl right here. What is up with that? welllllll.....long story short.....Been a busy year. And My heart just wasn't into blogging like I used to. I used to use my blog as my creative outlet and I loved it. But then I got too distracted by other social media and just caught up. I took a break from that to recenter again like most artists do.
So, Ill try to give ya a somewhat update to what I have been up to.
I colored my hair red at the beginning of the year to break up the boring-ness I had reverted back to.
I took a trip to Baltimore with some friends from my previous life in the army and had an absolute blast.

My art space got a beautiful makeover thanks to a very organized OCD friend of mine who took a look at my workspace and said "How do you get any work done?" Which I happily replied with shrugged shoulders...."I am an artist" As you can see I lost this battle.

What have you been doing

Hi my loves! How is your week starting out? I hope you all had an amazing weekend! As for me, I wanted to share with you what I have been up to. One of my goals, not just for the new year, but for a NEW ME, I have decided to get off my ass literally and get back to being healthy and working out.
I took the rest of 2014 to get refocused, energized and centered. So, when 2015 came along, I wanted to hit the ground running. Literally. First things first, I started eating cleaner which meant no more junk food, fast food or soda. I drink water every chance I get, and take my greens (It Works).

 I still have my coffee, which is my one and only vice with creamer. I did switch to Stevia in the Raw for my sugar. More raw vegetables, smaller portions, healthier snacks like fruit and nuts, and yogurt. Since I am an IT WORKS Distributer, I have also started taking more supplements, such as Fat Fighters, Hair Skin and Nails and Thermofit.

I have also started this journey of waist training with a steel boned corset. I know I get a lot of comments and concerns about it and why I shouldn't do it and Blah, blah, blah. But relax, I did my research on it and I suggest you do too if you don't know a lot about it. I am not going extreme with this. I am only doing this to help shape my body into an hourglass figure as I lose weight and tone up. 

The above pic was taken about a week ago, and I am really happy with my results thus far. Everyone has been asking me what I have been doing different and it looks like I have lost weight, well I hope this answers your questions. Really, its about disciplining yourself to eat right and not over indulge in the junk. I know it can be hard, because I am a total junk food junky! But with spring around the corner, I want to be in the best shape of my life, because I feel 2015 is going to be an amazing year and I was to feel great. So far I do.

I have become more involved in my It Works Business by using the products and giving them a chance to work its magic, and I gotta say I love it. I wrap weekly and take my supplements and it really works. I wrapped the back of my thighs to see what results I could have after 45 minutes and this is what I got:

I am blessed to have joined this business with an amazing team, and I cant wait to see where it takes me.

I also downloaded the MAPMYRUN app, and started to get back into my routine of running. Its pretty awesome and you can add your friends and track each others workouts to encourage and push each other.  I love running. When I was in the army, of course I was forced to run, but I came to really enjoy it and over the years I have ran. Last year, I was slackin' bad. So, I got up last week and ran. I put on Pandora and my headphones, turned up the volume and tuned out the world and I got lost in the music. I ended up running 3 miles, averaging about 12 min miles. Not bad considering it has been a year. I ran again today but only for a mile, since it was really wet and cold from snowing last night.

I've been feeling so great and I can even fit into some of my old favorite jeans. I cant complain!

Soon, I will need to buy more clothes because all my clothes will be too baggy! I didn't keep any of my old clothes because I had no space and I donated it anyways to the Salvation Army so someone else can use them.

I have noticed everywhere in stores and in the mall, everywhere is promoting getting healthier, working out. Instead of flashy and expensive clothes, it is all promoting working out, fitness gear and I love it. I have been all over online and pinterest checking out fitness stuff. I just cant get enough. I have been dropping the pounds about a pound of two a week. Here are some motivational quotes and whatever randomness I have found online that I want to share with you.

I am hoping to get back into the habit of blogging more and doing my youtube videos here again soon, so stay tuned and check back in for more inspiration and motivation or whatever random thoughts I have in my head!

xoxox, Cecilia

Better Late than Never

Happy New Year! (a week late, but none the less, better late than never) As I sit down at the library, with my coffee, my planner, my notebook and various other things I carry around with me, I realize that should be the motivation going into 2015.  “Better late than never”
better late than never
We get so busy, wrapped up in daily stress, pleasing everyone else, whether it is your spouse, significant other, family, friends, your boss and a lot of times: Life happens. We start out so motivated to do things we’ve always wanted to do, but something or someone comes along and we get distracted. While distraction is not a bad thing, sometimes it can make you so wrapped up that you forget what you are passionate about. This is something that I have gone through over and over, yet, no matter how many times this happens, I keep going. If you are close to me, you know everything I have been through, the good, the bad and the ugly. No matter what I go through, I always try to stay focused on my goals. Going through situations, and meeting different people have changed my course a few times, but overall, I keep goals in mind. Even if your goals change, or you put them on the back burner, don’t ever lose your enthusiasm or passion for truly makes your heart soar.
never lose your childish
Looking back on 2014 as a whole, so much happened: I started an etsy shop, I opened and closed my own hair art studio, lost and gained clients, filed divorce, moved again, became a distributor of It Works, and so many more moments that made up 2014. Its amazing to me, to think that we are always learning, whether we want to or not. That we learn these lessons we didn’t even realize we needed to. The biggest things I have learned last year was letting go, forgiveness and patience. It’s funny, you don’t even realize you’ve learned it, because you’re too busy feeling the pain of loss, failure, disappointment, and rejections. I felt this way ending my marriage and losing my shop. But I pushed through. Yes, it hurt, but everyday I looked for something good, something to be thankful and grateful for. These losses, forced me to tune back into “ME”. What is it I really want out of life? Thing happen for a reason, which is something I say and write about all the time, so why did these things end? I realized that I wasn’t on the right path. So, how do you recover from this type of loss? The answer to that is focus on yourself (in a non selfish way) and your wants and needs, and then once you know what you want, work on it everyday, no matter how big or small your goals are.  The trick to change is to start out small, do something everyday that pushes you in the direction you want to go. Because while it may not seem significant that you are changing, you don’t even realize times just flies by and when you look back, you’ve already changed.
I read a lot of great books too to include “The Secret” and the other books written by this author “The Magic” and “The Hero” . These are my absolute FAVORITE books, not just of last year but my FAVORITE PERIOD. If anyone is looking to get their mind seeking positive thoughts and the art of gratitude, the law of attraction, check these books out, either go buy them, rent them, borrow them, download them, whatever you need to do, get these books.
It is with the practice of gratitude that I feel I have made changes in my life. I just want to share that with anyone reading this. I know when I start writing, I usually have a train of thought I focus on, but of course, the way my brain shifts into the next thought, my typing fingers cant always keep up so I hope you are still following my train of thought.
Now that I have gone through these stages of falling down, and now that I have stood up, what is the next step? It comes down to what I want. What do I want to do with my life? What makes me passionate? Ask yourself this. You may think your dream is not possible. Or there isn’t enough time, or its too late,or you don’t have any money, or blah blah blah what ever your excuse is. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY. Take everything out of the equation that you think hinders your dreams. Figure out what it is you want, figure out every step it takes to get you there and just go after it. No one else is going to live your life, so don’t let anyone else influence it, unless it is to encourage you and lift you higher. Surround yourself with like-minded people, dive into your passions. Don’t worry about money. Money will follow when you follow your dreams. Maintain positive energy, because that’s when you attract it to you. You can manifest your desires.
These are just some random thoughts floating around in my head this evening, as I am supposed to be working on some other things, I had the urge to blog for the first time in months, so thank you for stopping by and sharing my thoughts with me.
xoxox, Cecilia


I have been trying to write a blog post for a little while and the words are there just not coming out the way I want to. It has been 2 months since my last post. My head just wasn’t in it with all sorts of things happening the past few months. I just wanted to write and let you know I am still here. Just taking a break. I will be back full force soon!

Falling and changing leaves

Like almost every time I sit down in front of my computer to blog, I realize how much time has passed. Once again, a whole month has flown by and I am flabbergasted that I have let so much time lapse in between my posts. The weather is getting cooler here, and I have been trying to get things done at the shop. I have been doing a lot of hair and tattoos lately so I want to share them now with you!
(I didn’t even realize how much hair Ive been doing until I uploaded al these shots! Pretty awesome!)
Lets not forget some of the facepainting I have been doing too! Between school, church and private parties, I have been busy with that as well. I managed to take some photos of some of the designs!
Now, I just need to take all my facepaint designs and make a display for when I facepaint for events! I just gotta add that to my long list of things to do!
October will be filled with tons of fun things and I am excited for fun themes and bodypaint concepts, along with tons of candy and watching Hocus Pocus a thousand and one times. Oh, and I finally jumped on the “Pumpkin Spice” bandwagon…and I am ADDICTED!!!!
What is your favorite things about October?
Xoxoxox, Cecilia Marie