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Stocking Up on Supplies

Yesterday went by in a big blur! A very exciting blur that left me tired and exhausted when I walked into my front door at midnight! I am not complaining because I love what I do. So, it’s a very satisfying exhaustion. Jinaki and I started our day bright and early at 730am to run a few errands and grab some supplies from the hair store and Ulta to stock up on supplies that have been running low in our kits. Two of my favorites that I stocked up on were NYX White eye shadow primer and a beauty blender sponge!




Speaking of supplies, I ordered a few things I needed from ebay too to add to my kit.


I ended up purchasing the Ben Nye Matte Foundation Pallete! I love their body paint, so I know I will love their foundations! This baby will come in good use for a few makeup gigs later this month for a play that Jinaki and I were invited to do makeup and hair at Willett Hall.


The lights burned out on my overhead projector, and I have been looking locally to find a replacement, but after searching various stores, I just went ahead and ordered some from online and it’s so much easier this way. I cant wait to get these, because I use my projector a lot when it comes to refining my tattoo designs.

Yesterday, we had some fierce wind and rain and when I say fierce…I mean, I was blown across the street heading into the photo studio! Our special client is a talented young woman who is a singer, songwriter and actress,Tia Rachelle. I cannot wait to show you more from the photoshoot but I cant yet until its released!

Since I cant show you those photos just yet, Ill show you a couple of photos from the past week or two.

Below: Jinaki, Myself and James Person


Below: Myself and Lance who is also apart of Roger Mitchell’s Motiontography helping to test out the lighting and to get in a behind the scenes shot.


Below: Miss Shannon Marie in another stunning shot with makeup done by me! How amazing does she look?!


It’s rounding midnight and I have an early appointment and I am ready to go to bed! I’m pretty tired since I woke up early to do a video shoot (but it got rescheduled) and I ended up just staying awake to go through emails, invoices and clean up my art studio!

Goodnight my friends and see you tomorrow for more random adventures!

Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.

If you ever want things to happen in your life, you have to first be willing to believe in yourself. One thing we have to learn in life is that we will make mistakes, we will do things wrong, but one of the worst things we can do when we do things wrong is to get so down on ourselves that we forget to keep pushing.