Occasionally, or usually once a month our school gets a special guest who either come from Advanced Academy or from another school or salon and he or she comes and talk about his or her journey of being a hair stylist and offer advice for all of us up and coming hair stylists.
Today, David Marc came to our school and I have to say he is one of the best guest speakers we have had for a while. The last one that was pretty awesome was Taryn Aiken, who is also from the Advanced Academy and Jasmine Brock. Maybe the stylists that come from Advanced Academy have more energy and like to have fun more than some of our normal guest speakers! You can check out other Advanced Academy Team Members
David with Andrew, a learning leader from RKA |
During FREE HUGS EVENT today! |
David Marc Campbell is a texture specialist on the Advanced Academy Team and is based out of Tampa Bay, Florida Paul Mitchell Partner School. He started out the presentation with some clips of him at his school and pictures and a cute commercial like movie that had all of us rolling, falling out seats. There was a short movie clip of Denzel Washington in the movie Malcolm X of him geting a relaxer (which he played to show relaxers since he is a texture specialist)
I tried to find a clip on youtube with it, but no luck. Oh well!
He talked about why he joined the beauty industry and how he became part of the Paul Mitchell family as a learning leader/texture specialist down in Tampa.
I dont want to write everything he talked about in his presentation, because I do not want to spoil the experience with other future professionals! He shared with our school and future professionals what it takes to be an AMAZING STYLIST using his own System of how to get clients, how to manage them and to expand on your client book.
He shared his experiences of guests he has or had in the past and many of them were hilarious. His energy was just bouncing off the walls and I could see that he really does have a passion for what he does and that kind of attitude is highly contagious!
He wrapped up his presentation and I was able to talk to him after. I think I have found another person I look up to and gain inspiration from! He held up my doll during his time on stage to demonstrate how much money a hair stylist can make doing color and that ANYTHING is possible. I had him sign my doll head and of course took a picture! I was so excited about it, can you tell? So Cheesy I am, I know .
David Marc and I with my Patriotic Baby Doll! |
So, I have to share somewhat of a funny story (or at least funny to me) with yall. Some of you may or many not know this, but I spent a few years and most of my summers living with my grandparents in Lakeland Florida and I have been wanting to move back . A few years ago,I was accepted to go to a fashion art school down there but just couldnt at that time. Once my mom retires from the Navy, I think we are all ready for a geographic change and I really want to go to Lakeland, or Tampa.
I have it written in my goals list that after I work in a salon for a few years and we do move down to Florida, that I want to be a learning leader for the Tampa school. I was talking to my husband about it last week and then today we have a guest speaker from that school. I dont know if it was a sign or a coincidence (which I dont believe in) but I felt like I was on the right track of getting to where I want to be.
I want to thank David for being a "Daymaker" and inspiring me to be a better professional hairstylist. I had one of those days that confirmed I am supposed to be doing this and I am loving every minute of it! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, advice and humor with all of us at Rudy & Kelly Paul Mitchell of Virginia Beach, VA!
For all my readers, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my lil ol' blog!
Sweet Surrender Surrender to Your Inner Artist