I love my brothers!

Lucas and I at his birthday party

Jeffrey and I with our scary faces lol

My brothers and I are ALL 9 years apart. Crazy huh? I guess my mom wanted to make sure she always spaced us out and one of us could watch the other. hahaha well, thats our theory on  it. I am the oldest at 27 years of age, followed by Jeffrey who is 18 and then Lucas who just turned 10 a few days ago. We are all goofy, crazy, a lil sensitive, creative and we are all cheesy and love to be on camera. So here is a lil clip of us. Hope you enjoy!

I don't have any sisters, but I am pretty close with my brothers and that might be because I am a tomboy and I goof around and play video games and wrestle around. Even though were all far apart, and I didnt get to spend alot of time with them the past 10 years, because I left to go to the army and then I was moving around a ka-jillion times!

But i love these guys and I am proud to be their big sister.

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Target Forever 21 Haul

I was able to squeeze some shopping in between classes and errands last week stopping into a few of my favorite stores such as Target , Five Below and Forever 21.

Here are a few of my favorite items I got:  In the picture above: this blue coat from Forever21 for only $12!!

and these jeans (ignore the goofy look on my face....lol) only $9 and they fit nicely, not too tight, not too loose and they do not shrink!  I hate when I buy a pair of good jeans and then they shrink from the dryer, so the past few years, I started to take care of my jeans. I wash them inside out ( this helps to keep your jeans from fading) and then I lay my jeans flat to dry.  Doing these lil tips will help to keep your jeans in good shape and extend the life of them.

So I made a lil video of what I bought on my lil haul video....The original video was 17 minutes...2 minutes over the limit so I had to split it into 2 parts. Here is part one above:

and here is part 2 below:

Hope you enjoy watching! Thanks for reading!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

One way to wear black

At school, I have to wear black almost everyday.  I have been attending for almost a month and already I am scrambling around, throwing clothes around my floor and my bedroom, trying to decide new ways to wear the same black clothes I have.  I do not know how I am going to survive wearing black for the next 11 months.  Everytime our school has a spirit day where we can wear jeans or sneakers or a colorful shirt, I jump at the chance. My wardrobe has so many bright colors and fabrics. The good thing is our accessories can be whatever color, but unfortunately, I dont have too many accessories...YET. lol

So here is a video I made  on just ONE way that I wear black. Hope you enjoy! Have a great day!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Ever have one of those days?

I am having one of those days today. I am not sad or depressed, I am generally happy, but just exhausted.  Now that I am attending two schools, going monday through saturday and one onlne class, I feel like I never have any time. I mean, you should see my day planner....booked...it's ridiculous! and I don't even work right now!! I wouldnt even be able to fit work into my hectic schedule. I don't want to complain, because before school started, I was like "jeez, will school start already? I am bored!" It's not even that, I just need some rest time!

I want to be able to sleep in, I want to spend more time with my children, I want to spend time with my mother before she goes off to Korea for a year, I want to spend time with my husband, I want to get my nails done, I wanna relax on the couch all day and watch make up videos on youtube and geek out on an art project, I want to visit with my friends more. I want time to shave my legs!!!!! I want to work out, I want to shop.

I feel like there are not enough hours in the day, and I don't have enough hours of sleep to get through each day. It's like a never ending battle. But this is life and I dont want to take anything for granted, I appreciate all that life throw's my way, all I want is some down time, for me to recharge my batteries. I have to remember that these rough times will pay off, I just have to hang in there. Every thing happens for a reason, I may not see that now, but later I will.

I just wanted to send that out to the universe so it's not bottled up in me anymore. So, thanks for reading and I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Polly Want A Cracker?

So here's a video that one of our learning leaders posted of us during a communication exercise...we were all blindfolded and was told we were a specific animal...and that we had a "partner" and we had to find them using only the sound that our animal makes...and we couldnt talk at all. It was really funny and our learning leader, Christina is the one laughing really loud!

I am the one in the beginning walking around with a yellow bandana and pink earrings....and then once I found my partner ..oh I was a monkey....lol I started screaming like a monkey too....lol watch as the rest of the class stumbles to find their animal partner!

We do fun stuff like this everyday...makes learning about hair really fun!
Do what you love and the money will follow.

World Market Haul

on our way to Newport News to World Market

About a week or two ago, my mom and I and a friend went out to World Market in search of things to decorate mom's place when she gets to Korea.  My mom and I love to decorate, and sometimes our styles are different, we do every now and then agree on something that is really cute! But hey, that's mother for you!

So, what I found at World Market was a really cute director's chair that I got in white and I picked a purple canvas....the chair itself was $17.99 and the canvas was $8. I also found a metal candle holder that is silver and hot pink on the inside!!! and when you put a candle in it, the design on the holder projects the beautiful design. I love it!!!

My first visit to World Market last year

And then there's the desk, which is all white and has legs similar to the directors chair. I know some of you prolly think I am such a geek for being so excited about a desk...but if you knew me well enough, you would know I get excited about alot of weird stuff, like second hand stores, rainy days, sugar donuts, a lady bug....yea it may seem I am totally random, but like the quote i found online, I will say this: " I am not random, my brain is just faster than yours!"..ok, getting off subject, the desk was $180 all white finish and it just looks so crisp in my blue room, I feel so inspired already by it. I am one of those artists that has to have everything all set up before I can begin anything, whether it is a drawing, a painting, a design, or whatever, yes, I have to have my pencils all in a row, my books stacked up and the tv on for back ground music and of course, DR. Pepper. lol call me crazy but this is how I roll!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Topsy Turvy Day

Today, our family celebrated the birth of my daughter, Arabella. She turned 7 years old yesterday, but we celebrated today. A few days ago, the kids and I made all the layers of the cake! We made 2 layers of yellow cake, 1 layer of brownie, and then 2 layers of french vanilla! I even attempted to try and make fondant out of marshmellows.....which was fun making, but very sticky and hard to roll....so I ended up going to Micheal's and buying the already made fondant in purple, hot pink and white.

Everyone loved the cake, and it was alot of fun making it! Arabella had a good birthday and I am so thankful I was able to spend time with my children. I hope that they will remember all the special times we share together. My mom and I loved it as well, we were able to get a taste of what it would be like to bake these crazy outrageous cakes...because she is possibly thinking about opening up a bakery once she gets back from Korea and she retires from the navy.
The best part of today was just hanging out with the kids, we played Spongebob Squarepants Operation...and Matthias beat us all in both games that we played! I even painted Matthias as a clown! He loved it and so did Jermie! I am hoping the Circus is gonna be coming in the spring because the kids have never been....(random thought I know) and then driving them back to their dad's, they were singing "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga....( I think my kids love her just as much as I do!) lol
well, that was my day, so I will close this up and get back to eating the rest of my piece of leftover topsy turvy cake and dr. pepper and watching Jerseyliscious. hehehehe

Do what you love and the money will follow.