You want a tattoo WHERE?

So, I gave a lil hint in my last post that I was going back to a color I had last year. In case you are still wondering, here is where I am getting my inspiration from all these gorgeous images off of Pintrest. Oh yea, and I might have told yall that I was going to grow out the shaved head part of my head, well, I just couldnt get past the awkward growing out stage, so that went out the window as well. Back to the half shaved head. hahaha
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

And you wanna know the latest idea that I have been obssessing about???? And youre gonna think I am totally nuts, but I dont care....yall know I wanna be a tattoo artist and ive been working on my portfolio to take to a tattoo shop, well, I am gonna book an appointment to get a very awesome piece done.....since I am keeping my shaved head, I have decided that I want to get the shaved part tattooed. Yep, you read that right...I want a head tattoo....and its cool because if I dont want anyone to see it, I can always flip my hair over or just grow it out. I am super excited, but I am still deciding what I want there....right now, I am thinking a deep red rose and my signature swirls around it...and some stars. I will have to brainstorm about it. Here are some inspiration images from Pintrest as well on Head Tattoos. What do you think???

So, um, yea....gonna do it. I dont know when, because the artist I want to do it is pretty booked, but I plan on making the appointment soon and then I can work on my portfolio. I am not gonna give up on getting a professional apprenticeship. Gotta fight for what you want!

Red hair and head tattoos,

WireLESS I wish

I feel so out of the loop. I need to get a wireless router at our new place, we have internet, but have to use an ethernet cable...which is better than nothing..but when you have a husband that wants to get online to play Call of Duty, and kiddos that wanna watch netflix, well it gets crowded virtually. hahaha For a while I was blogging everyday and I got into a routine, then we moved and .......that went out the window. I didnt even realize how much I use the computer. For blogging, researching artwork, online window shopping....stalking Megan Massacre...hahaha  but My last two weeks have been spent unpacking boxes and cleaning...and then lounging by the pool with the kids, so I guess it hasnt been too bad, at least I am workin on my tan. Which is definetly what I need, because I was looking pasty!

I have so much to blog about, so I gotta get caught up. Nothing major really, but I do wanna leave you with this picture of me from our "dress up like a zombie day" at Xotic Eyes where I work. Of course, I got into it big time. I painted up my face....because I was dying to use my BEN NYE body paints again and ripped up all my clothes. I loved it.

I also loaded this onto my Instagram, which if you have one and want to follow me, my name is sweetsurrenderart. It's another addiction I have at least on my phone.

Its taken me hours to write this, I started it at my moms house and then now back at my place and now that I am home, I gotta color my hair back to a color I had last year....can you guess what it is???

Ill keep ya posted! Off to color my hair and unpack another box. See ya next time

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is more than just a day off of work (well, I had to work today)and more than a BBQ and good sales at the mall. Some people think that people join the military for money, school, travel opportunities, me of those reasons are why people join, but others choose the military for more traditional reasons. The military- any branch- has been around for hundreds of years and have traditions. Generations of families go in to serve, to be apart of something bigger. I joined because most of my family served and I wanted to have independence and college money.

When I was 17 years old, I enlisted into the US Army. I started basic training the day after the 9-11 attacks. I was stationed in Fort Drum New York and served for 4 years. It was the best and worst times of my life.

 I met so many people and am proud that I served side by side with some amazing soldiers, one of which was a good friend of mine that gave his life. Dan was a good friend as well to my ex husband and babysat my daughter.

We lost him and many others and I want to take this time to thank everyone who is serving, or has served and thank you to the families of lost ones. It is a huge sacrifice for those to enlist and serve, and an eternal sacrifice for those who give their lives. You will never be forgotton.

Happy Memorial Day to all my brothers and sisters serving in the military or have served. Especially to those who've paid with their life.

**sure, why not?**: Grateful + Urban Decay Giveaway

I just entered this giveaway and you should too! :)

**sure, why not?**: Grateful + Urban Decay Giveaway: Happy Mother's Day to my mama readers. Today I'm grateful for: 1. My mom & mom-in-law. 2. My friends and family. 3. Jackie (my ca...

Get To Know Me (TAG)

Thanks to Cotton Candy Ink for tagging me in the Get To Know Me (Tag). I have only done one other tag, but I love doing them! I love to hear more about fellow bloggers and share a lil more about myself.


Rules :

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on the blog.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you , as well as, creating your own eleven for the people you will tag.

3. Choose eleven people and link them in your blog.

4. Go to their page and tell them.

5. No tags back.

My Questions:

1. What inspires you to blog?

Everyday life inspires me, people I meet, places I go, things I find, books I read, almost any and everything inspires me to blog!

2. Would you rather have more comments or followers?

I would rather have comments, more interaction that way and most of the time people who comment on my blog are not even followers.

3. If no one read or followed your blog, would you still do it and why? No one read my blog the first year I did it, but I didnt care. I loved to do it, it is in a way an online journal of my life and what I am passionate about.

4. Whats your ultimate goal in life and why? My ultimate goal is to own my own art studio doing what I love so I can provide for my family and give my children what I never had.

5. If you were home alone and you knew no one would be interrupting you what would you be doing and why? I would crank up the music and dance and sing out loud horribly and out of sync, then take a hot bubble bath.

6. Favorite thing to shop for? Messenger bags, books and coffee mugs

7. If you could be a millionaire but be lonely or make a modest living and have the love of your life which would you chose? I would much rather make a modest living with the love of my life than all the money in the world....I already have that life and I am happy!

8. Side part or in the middle? (hair) The side part but only because half my head is shaved and I kinda have no choice. hhahahaha

9. What type of music do you have on your iPod or computer? I have alot of techno, dubstep, 90's soft rock...well a lil bit of everything

10. How long does it take you to grocery shop? depends on how hungry I am! I can take hours

11. Will you be rocking a 2 piece, a 1 piece or none of the above this summer? Ill be rockin a one piece again this year!


My questions:

1. What do you like to do on rainy days?

2. If you could go on your dream vacation where would you go?

3. If you were given a $1000 shopping spree to your favorite store, what would it be and what would you get?

4. What is your favorite dessert or icecream?

5. What is your latest online addiction? Pintrest, polyvore, ebay....?

6. Do you have any kids, or want any?

7. What book or magazine are you reading lately?

8. What is your favorite candle scent?

9. What made you start a blog?

10. What are you most thankful for?

11. Do you have a recipe that you love to make over and over? What is it and why do you like it so much?


Alice's Closet

Confessions of a Beauty-holic
Diminishing Lucy
Fashion and Cookies
Lady Danger Makeup
Lipgloss and Razorblades
Makeup is my Medicine
Learn with Minette
Tina's Tattoo Artblog

Dont forget to link the person that tagged you in your post as well! Have fun tagging!

CATO Grand Opening!

I was invited to go to the Grand Opening of the new Cato Fashions in Norfolk this weekend. They opened their doors last wednesday, but due to the rain we had, I couldnt make it out. After I styled hair at one of Will King's Photography Workshops, I stopped by the new store.

I walked in and was surprised at how big the store was. I havent been to Cato in a few years since I was living in Colorado up until a couple of years ago, but I loved how bright and open it was. The staff was really friendly to me too as soon as I walked in the doors. I was sent a $25 gift card to buy whatever my heart desired.

They have clothing for women, juniors, plus size and young girls, as well as accessories, jewelry, shoes and lingerie.

I am loving the colors this spring and summer. I wish they had more variety in dresses, but they had variety in their shirts and pants that I liked.  I gravitated towards the accessories area and there were some really cute jewelry cases and holders.

I am a sucker for watches in every color and style! I ended up picking these three items out using my gift card!

I got this vibrant neon makeup bag, a pair of black earrings and this blue knit sweater top. I wanted to get a new hanging jewelry organizer since mine broke, but I would much rather have these items. hahaha

 I had fun shopping there even though it was busy, but thats a good thing! Its in a big shopping location too and on my way there I saw a thrift store I wanna go stalk! If you liked what you saw here, and in the Hampton Roads location, this store is at the Roosevelt Gardens Shopping Center in Norfolk, VA or you can visit their website at CATO FASHIONS.

Thanks goes out to CATO and their marketing team for sending me a gift card and going to their grand opening! I had fun!

Do you see anything that you like there or on their website, would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

Grad Ceremony and Moving

Yesterday was raining pretty bad. I left work early so I could get ready to attend my Aunt's Graduation Ceremony for Thomas Nelson Community College. I wanted to stop by the grand opening of a CATO store that just opened up in Norfolk, but the way the rain was coming down and all the traffic...because you know people do not know how to drive in rain...let alone DRIVE AT ALL! hahahaah  Ill have to go to CATO this weekend sometime.

Im so proud of my Aunt Beth, she has been back in college for a couple years and she worked so hard too. She would call me up to help her with her math I could actually remember....hahaha
The whole family went to watch her walk across and receive her certificate and degree diploma (she has two majors I think).

 While we were waiting for her to go across the stage, we were getting a lil snap happy with our Aunt Dale and my cousin, Marina.

For my was really cute, and half of it I borrowed from my mom's closet! hahaha My mom and I have different styles but we like alot of the same things! She was surprised that the sweater I was wearing was hers! hahaha I paired this outfit with my favorite silver glitter shoes I got from Charlotte Russe.

Jermie and I finished up our packing tonight that we were too tired to do last night. Luckily Jermie works at Target, so he got us these HUGE boxes....and we came home and did Speed shouldve seen Jermie just throwing clothes and shoes and whatever was nearby into boxes.....hahahaha.

I already got two of my packages...the chair and the portable it was perfect timing since were getting a uhaul truck tomorrow. Im so excited that Jermie and I are going to be in our place. We have always had roomates or shared a home with other people....and its time we had our own place!

I need to get to bed since I am going into work early so I can leave early! So good night and I hope you had a great week! If youre having a rough day like I did today....just remember..its only temporary and whatever problems you are stressing about, let them go. Everything will work out on its own.

"How can you have charisma? Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are making them feel good about you."~Dan Reiland