Case of the Mondays Inspiration


I am about to take my mom to the airport, she is going out to sea for a bit and I had to help her get everything situated from putting all her services on hold, to taking all her food that will spoil and taking out her trash. Hey, what are daughters for, right? hahaha

It’s Monday! Normally, I am not excited about Mondays, I mean, cmon who really is? Well, I have been trying to take a different approach to Mondays, so its not so dreadful by posting my inspirational photos of the day. I just wanted to share with yall photos that I have been pinning or saving onto my computer that I love, or using for drawing inspiration. So, sit back and enjoy and hopefully some of these will inspire you too!







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These are just a few things I have been inspired by and just wanted to share it with you while I am relaxing, watching House Hunters International, sipping on coffee while the rain is coming down, right before I take momma to the airport.

Thanks for stopping by and Ill see ya in the next post! xoxoxox Cecilia



Sending Positive Thoughts Your Way!

It is Thursday, and I swear this week has flown by. One good thing about this week is that my mood has turned around. I had a meeting today to go over face/body paint I will be doing for a HUGE hair show in August in Atlanta and just being around the girls from the salon just put me in a better mood, which is what I needed desperately to get me out of my funk.


I am generally a very positive person, but when I am down, negativity creeps in when I am not on my game and can throw me for a loop, which is why I haven’t been blogging as much this month. When I get like that, I surround myself with positive people, or people who can support me and help to lift my spirits. I’ve been hanging out with my mom, my dad and talking on the phone with friends and it really helps.





It’s 1230 in the morning, I just made coffee and I am catching up on my blogs and just going through my planner, organizing all my upcoming events. I have booked a few more fun events and I feel so blessed that I am able to do something I truly love- which is art. So, anyone of my clients that are reading this- I just want to say THANK YOU! I love working with you all and so thankful that I am able to work with some pretty amazing people.





I just felt like writing this post for anyone who has been down or depressed or feeling like you’re not good enough to do something you love, or to take that risk in doing something you have always dreamed of. I know how you feel. I struggle with it every now and then, and you are not alone. Remember that you decide how your day is going to turn out. You may not be able to control what happens to you during the day, but you can control how you react to it. Instead of getting upset, take a few minutes to breathe, process and then just keep moving.







I hope this has helped to lift you up, because it certainly has helped to lift me up as I send this out to the universe. Remember, tomorrow is a new day, so make the most of it!

See ya next time! xoxoxox, Cecilia

fReAksHoW Birthday

I was asked to come do some facepainting for a fun birthday party at Central 111, which is a cute hookah and tapas bar. The theme for it was “Freakshow”, and it was pretty fun! Z104, one of our local radio stations was there to keep the party going. Executive Tattoo showed out with us and we all rocked the night!

I wasn’t able to snap any pictures, but luckily Abe-Hernandez-Photography  was there working and he was happy to let me share his wonderful images!


















Hubby came out with me too and we all had a good time! I love when I work fun events like these! With the summer coming up, I have a few more events booked like this and I cant wait!

Which one was your favorite facepaint? I loved doing the joker face! Well, I love them all!

Thanks for stopping by and see you in the next post!

The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.

Feeling Good

I don’t know about you, but I need a lil “Feel Good” moment right now. Its been a hell of a week and I am glad it’s over. April has been a tough month, but I don’t want to let that get me down. That type of thinking is not good. With April comes rain and showers to help wash away all this pollen and all the stress from our lives. It may be stormy now, but from the rain, our flowers will grow and it will be a new day. That’s how I want to look at it.


As I am typing this, I am listening to this rendition of “Feelin Good” by Michael Buble. (here is a quick snapshot of  me-where I look like an ooompa loompa)

I’m in a bluesy-ish mood, where I just want to listen to these type of songs. I love this one too, “Fever”

It’s raining now with some pretty wicked lightening which I LOVE and its totally setting the mood for me to relax, unwind and light some candles and just chill.

Lately, I've been questioning myself and where my life is heading in regards to my passions in the many different things I am involved in. I feel that more and more signs are pointing in the direction of being a tattoo artist. I feel that I enjoy creating art that is custom to the client and that means something to them. I just don’t feel that connection from doing hair or makeup. Sure, I have fun doing it, but its just not the same.

I want to expand my skills in drawing, because I know I can get so much better. Here is some lettering I did about 5 years ago and compare it to now, I think I have gotten better when it comes to lettering. hahaha




Everyday I know I get better and better. Just have to draw everyday. I have gotten that advice from many tattoo artists.

Here is a video of Sara Fabel talking about her artwork and I find it really inspiring.

It’s just past 1AM and I need to get to bed, I have a facepaint gig in the morning. So, sleep soundly and know that tomorrow is a new day, so whatever your worries are, let them wash away when you close your eyes.


Life is an empty canvas- We've to paint it every Moment of our life

Practice makes Perfect

Between all the chaos last week, I decided to bust out my machines and just do some practicing on an orange I had laying around.


I used one of my favorite rose images as a reference and did this freehand. I know an orange peel is a lot different from human skin, but it’s a start to get a feel for the machines. Its not too bad for my first time. (I don’t count my ring finger tattoo because it was 3 letters)


This week, I have been trying to get back into my groove. I had some fiasco situations happen in regards to some projects I did/worked on which left me drained and in a funk. As an artist, you know, not everyone is going to like my work whether it is my drawings, my designs, my makeup, my paintings. Rejection is something that everyone faces, especially artists. I cant say that it doesn’t affect me. I do get sad when something doesn’t work out, but it is something that I need to accept and move on. SO that’s what I have been doing.



I know I am not the best artist, but that’s why I keep working on my craft and keep pushing myself to practice more. I encourage anyone else reading this, to keep doing what you love, even when you get doubters, even when people push you down, stand up and keep pushing yourself. Believe in yourself!

You cannot live to correct the past. Instead you can live determined to correct the future through the past. It's only through the past that we can learn to know the future. A wise man learns from his mistakes. so let the past nurture you.

The Sun Always Shine After The Storm

I’ve been M.I.A for a lil bit and I promise it’s not because I was too busy. I don’t want this post to be sad, but last week, my Grandpa Fred lost his battle to cancer. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer about 6 months ago. And how fast the time has flown by. Last week has been a whirlwind of emotions for myself and my family that left me drained and exhausted. On the bright side, my grandpa is no longer in pain. He passed peacefully and with a smile onto heaven. 
He was such a kind and gentle soul, never showed anger or yelled or shouted. He had an abundance of patience that was very contagious. He is the very man that the women in our family looked up to and hoped our partners could live up to. He always called me “Miss Marie” even when I became an adult.
When I went to visit him in Texas as a child, my young, entrepreneurial mind at 10 years old was determined to sell Dr. Pepper, chips and handcrafted bracelets made of yarn. So, my grandfather helped me to build my own wooden stand and set it up at the end of the driveway. We painted it white and I sat there in the hot texas sun I think for maybe a week, only selling a few things. I will never forget that memory. He used to take me down the street to get snowcones in the evening, he took me to see Lion King when it was in theaters the first time, and when I first joined the army, he jokingly said I was out of the “Will” (a family joke since my Entire Family is NAVY)
My grandmother and him surprised me by visiting me in AIT school in Fort Huachuca, AZ when I was 18. He even came to the airport to see me during a flight layover. I was the first grandchild, and my children are the only great grandchildren. I am happy that they were able to spend time with him. Matthias and him sat in my mom’s backyard reading a book together. Grandpa had such a way with children, in helping them to understand problems and helping them solve it.
He was the strong and silent type who may have not always been there all the time since we used to live far apart, but when times were hard and I needed family present, him and grandmother were there standing tall and proud. For that, for his love will forever live in my heart and soul.
The ceremony was held this past Saturday at Fort Story, VA where most of the family was present. Most of us got up and said a few words, remembering what an amazing role model he has been for us all. Family is so important to me. I am so thankful that I was able to be present for this, because when my grandmother passed almost 3 years ago, I was not able to attend.
The picture above is my father and my mother, which I do not have a lot of pictures of, and I want to cherish it.
My father and my husband, Jermie in front of his mustang.
I couldn’t help but take a few pictures of some of the flowers. I am thinking of getting some roses tattooed in honor of my family who has passed on.

Poetry in Motion

It was as if the Gods heard my plea for nice, warmer weather because yesterday and today has been so nice! I also got a replacement washer machine this morning since ours broke about 2 weeks ago. I am gonna be doing laundry for days! Today is so nice and I was going to work out, but I decided lets go to Mount Trashmore, where the kids can go play and I can walk around the lake. I actually lose more weight walking and eating right than any other method.

I just wanted to share with you a quick video of a young lady I worked with a few weeks back. You may have remembered when I posted behind the scenes photo from this shoot. I did the makeup for her. It’s not your typical makeup because I had to actually make her look bruised and beaten. She is a poet and this video shows her expressing herself.

The beauty about what I do is I get to meet with so many talented people! I just love it! Last night, I met up with a gentleman I did a tattoo design for and I don’t think I ever posted a picture of it. But here it is:


He was quite happy with it and it has opened doors for me to design tshirts for him! I am super excited for this too!

I also had a meeting with Central 111 to do some body painting for an event they are having later this month! I will post a flyer when they release it.

Well, this is a short post, because I am out the door to go get my walk on! Eventually I will work myself up to jogging hopefully!

Have a great Sunday! See ya again soon!
