I have a thing for sugar skulls some would say. I am not sure where or when the obsession developed, but its there. Maybe it’s the colorful designs, the eerie skull decorated with jewels and roses. Maybe it’s the idea of celebrating the lives of our loved ones who have moved onto heaven. Either way, I love them, in any shape or form sugar skulls, or anything dealing with Dia de Los Muertos or “Day of the Dead”.
What is your take on them?
This last picture is a sugar skull I designed myself and actually have tattooed it on myself. I only have the outline done, but I have more to go on it. What is your favorite type of artwork? Do you like sugar skulls? Yay or nay? I would love to hear from you!
Today’s my lil brother, Lucas’s 12th Birthday! So, I want to say Happy Birthday to him, even though he doesn’t read my blog. hahaha I cant believe how fast he has grown up. I was 17 years old when he was born! My bros and I are all spaced out 9 years apart! Crazy huh? Here is a pic from when he got a mohawk in December! ! So cute!
It’s already February. Ugh. We have had some snow a few days ago, I couldn’t remember if I told you that. Our weather is so funky here in Virginia. Snow one day, crazy windy hurricane rain, warm enough for some people to wear shorts and flip flops, I am really surprised I haven’t gotten sick yet, but then again, I have been holed up in my house. Although, I did have to leave the house for some interviews. Looking for a job sucks, but necessary if I wanna pay the bills and keep food on the table right? hahahaha
So, I won my first contest on createmytattoo.com this morning, which made my day! I mean, a lot of people pay me to draw them tattoo designs, but its usually people I know. Well, last year, I did have someone from Canada hire me to draw something too. But you know it’s always a nice compliment when someone chooses your design out of a bunch of other artists. Here is the drawing I won (in case your wondering)
This was a music inspired tattoo, the translation is “We Live in the shadow of Music” I believe that’s right.
I also did this nice sleeve design and this one is for a friend of mine whom I attended hair school with. I really love this sleeve design. Whenever I draw something up, I always try to draw up something I would get myself. If I don’t like it, I will redo it. Check it out!
I have been trying to keep busy since I am not working. Just focusing on my artwork. Been fiddling with many projects, from my freelance website, to drawing, blogging, pinning, youtube videos, interviews, laundry, blog design. I’m hoping all my hard work will pay off.
I have been on HULU watching all my shows: Project Runway, which just started again! Then, watching FACE OFF..which I am sooo in love with. I wish I had the supplies to get into that field! I think that’s right up my alley too. Sigh….one can only dream right now.
Well, I am off to draw some more. Just wanted to show ya some drawings and share a random video I filmed a few days ago
See ya again soon!
xoxox Cecilia Marie
Don't confuse your path with your destination just because it's stormy now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine.
My good friend Lah (who is an awesome Nail Artist) stopped by my place a couple days ago to borrow some things and she had a surprise for me. She had stopped by a tattoo shop and asked about any upcoming apprenticeships going on in the shop and she set up an appointment with me with one of the artists.
I stopped by yesterday morning and showed him my portfolio or what I threw together at last second….(ughhhh I know, I know, I need to be more organized) and talked with him a bit. I wasn’t offered an apprenticeship, but he did say that I need to draw everyday. He wants to see a solid year of drawing, which is cool with me because I still need to work. He did give a “homework” assignment.
I took the challenge and have been working on my drawings for the past 2 days. I haven’t been feeling well, so while I have been taking Dayquil and Nightquil nonstop I have been using this down time to really work on my art. Yesterday, I even dragged myself out of bed to the library so I could get some art books for inspiration. I found some good ones too.
My challenge was to draw 3 Skulls. One black and gray realistic skull, one vibrant, bright and colorful Sugar Skull and the last a new school skull drawing.
I finished my skull drawing already and wanted to share my progress with you.
The second drawing, I am gathering reference photos for the Sugar Skull. I am really excited to draw this one. Here are some of my favorite photos I found so far.
Ill show yall my progress as I go because I love sharing my art in hopes it would inspire someone or another artist to get off their butt and create art. I def need a good shoving every now and then to get the fire going.
Another artist and myself are thinking about getting together for an art session soon. So if anyone is in the area and want to collaborate or bounce ideas off each other…let me know by leaving a comment ot send me an email to Cecilia@sweetsurrenderart.com
Thanks for stopping by and see you again in the next post!