Hello my loves! Happy New Year 2014! I am so happy to say goodbye to 2013 and move onto a new year! I took a break over Christmas and now that I am refreshed and recharged, I am back! I hope everyone had a good holiday with their family and friends, I know I did. I spent most of the “Christmas Break” at my mom’s house with the kiddos and the pup! Here’s a few pics.
I made out pretty good with some slippers, an electric blanket, and a Kuerig Coffee Maker, which I am stoked about….like I need more caffeine. hahaha The kids had fun and even Jacob got a nice BIG BONE, that he demolished in like a day. hahaha
New Years Eve was spent with good friends and my black eyed peas were eaten for good luck!
I have been painting, doodling and drawing and planning other special projects. Here is a bit of progress:
Above: A tray I painted. (front and back) Still deciding what to do with it.
Above: custom tattoo design for Createmytattoo.com

Above: See that lily drawing? I drew it! It is being published for this book! How exciting is that??? The publishers found it on my deviantart and contacted me a few months back, but it is finally going to print!
Below: a doodle or zentangle is what it is being called lately. I was having pretty bad artists block and cleared my mind but just letting the pen flow. Here is what I came up with.
Above: A new school type of tattoo design. This design is open if anyone would like it.
Oh, I almost forgot, one of the tattoos I designed for a client earlier this year finally got it tattooed and she sent it to me to share! How awesome is that? I love when clients are excited and get a design they love. It is a rush!
I am at the library right now, and its getting late. I am off to go get something to eat, Thanks for stopping by and see ya soon in the next post!