The Glass is Always Half Full

I am taking a drawing class this semester at community college and in the stairwell of the building are these two light fixtures

I love this! No matter what life throws my way, whether good or bad,I always try to look at any situation I am in, in a positive light.I picture my proverbial cup of life as half full. It is so easy when we fall into a funk or depression for us to focus on the negative and the things we do not have.

When this happens, take a break from your stress and your worries and count the blessings you do have. For me, when I get sad or depressed about things that are out of my control, or when things are not going my way, I stop and remember to be thankful for friends and family and have a roof over my head and working on accomplishing my goals.

I just wanted to share this with yall in case youre just having a moment. Trust me when I say I understand how you feel and here is a way I get out of feeling funky, I just remember all the GOOD things and NOT give the power into negativity because the second you give in, it has the power to control you!

Have a great night, I am off to nighty night!

"When you forgive your imperfections and youve auctioned your clothes and you look to see your true reflection, you will be the one who loves you the most"

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Model Meetings

This week, I have met up with 2 of my models that I will be working with on this photo shoot project I am doing for the Photo Stylist Contest at Paul Mitchell Academy. I am so excited that I even have the opportunity to do this and so are my models! I am actually working with girls that came into the school for appointments (so they are my guests/clients). The reason I wanted to use guests as my models because I want them to feel special and to feel like they are apart of something amazing!

I have decided that I will be entering in the makeup category of the contest, instead of hair, although I will be styling the hair as well. Instead of one main theme of makeup, I have also decided to do three separate themes. I figured, what the heck I want to be as creative as possible.

My 3 themes have all been inspired by some of these images:

You can pretty much guess what my themes are gonna be! I plan on using some fun pigments, glitter and airbrush makeup! I am so excited! I have also found a photographer which I will blog more about after I set up a meeting with her! I will be doing practice runs with hair and make up in the next few weeks, which I will make videos (tutorial time) for so you can see!

Thanks for stopping by to check it out, I have also started a personal blog, but I am still designing the image for it, but I have named it " A Single Star in a Galaxy" so stay tuned for that as well!

Peacocks and mermaids,
Sweet Surrender

Surrender to your inner artist
Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

M.A.C. Backstage Pass

Are you a M.A.C. Addict? I am beginning to suspect that I am very well turning into one! I know, I know, it seems a lil late for someone to finally be getting into only one of the most best cosmetics line out there! Well, I guess its like they say "better late than never!"

A friend of mine and I got the chance to participate in an M.A.C. event, known as "Style It Up", held at a Nordstrom in our area.  It was a "VIP pass" to learning what the tips and tricks are that M.A.C. makeup artists use and what the trends are this summer.  I reserved my spot (which the spots had filled up fast! I made my reservation over the phone!) I had to pay for the class which was $50, but that money goes towards products you can get at the end of the class! So no worries there!

The whole event was fun! The artists were friendly and very informative and we learned 3 looks and the variety of some of the products that are a must for any makeup lover! Here are a few examples!

Photo courtesy of
For my purchase, I got Prep + Prime Skin Brightening Serum and MAC makeup remover wipes!

I had a great time with my friend, Banana (thats a nickname because she loves bananas!) indulging in our makeup addiction and we gained alot of great tips! We cant wait for the next one! For information on a class near you, just go to a M.A.C. counter and ask a rep on info for the next class!

I hope you are inspired and Surrender To your Inner Artist!

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Finding the right business card

Hi again my Sweets! Last week, I ordered some business cards finally. At first I was going to go through somebody ( a friend of a friend, you know that type of thing) but I wanted to just get them ordered and didnt feel like going through someone. So, I went onto VISTAPRINT and checked out what they had as far as business cards were concerned.

When I went on there, I searched for "beauty" related images for cards. Right now, the cards I am using are from Rudy & Kelly school, but since I am also an artist and do other things besides going to beauty school, I wanted some cards of my own, so I picked a basic design and went from there. There were so many to choose from! I chose an abstract design:

I left out my personal info (for security reasons) but for those who are looking to get cards made, you will want to include your business name (if applicable), your name of course, and contact info. On mine, I included a lil saying to add a personal touch.

If you are not fond of the design choices they have on Vista Print, (and this can go for any place online or in a store) there is an option to upload your own template or image! I plan on doing this after I complete my photo shoot in a couple weeks.

Vista Print also has options to create a business website for you, an email, and even an 800 number (at a cost). You can have customized everything (or close to it at least) from pens, letterheads, mugs, bags....etc. They got it all.

I wanted to let yall know about the business cards and where I got mine from. I got about 250 for I think $30 (includes graphics and color and back design). I should be getting them in the next week or two. Just thought I would share! I hope you find cards that fit you and the design youre looking for and your inpired to take that step closer to living your dreams!b

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Glamzy Pro App

Attention Surrendered Artists! Makeup artists, infact! Did you know that there is an app you can download for your droid, ipad or iphone and you can create face charts and designs using M.A.C. Makeup?!?!

A friend of mine, Taylor showed me her app on her phone, called Glamzy Pro.  The regular Glamzy is free to download if you have the right electronics, but the Glamzy Pro (the more upgraded version is $2.99 to download for more options than the reg glamzy). 

Here are the comparisons to the two different types of Glamzy apps:

AndroidAndroidiPhone, iPod touchiPhone, iPod touch
Glamzy or Glamzy Pro Glamzy Glamzy Pro Glamzy Glamzy Pro
Email & submit canvasYesYesYesYes
Complete canvas styleNoYesNoYes
Copy left to right & right to leftNoYesNoYes
Ad supportedYesNoNoNo
Save & open canvasYesYesNoYes

I do not have a droid, or ipad (yet lol) but for those who are technologically ahead of me might wanna look this app up and try it out.  Its great for those makeup artists and stylists who may not have the time or have their makeup to do a face sheet or chart and can whip out their phone or ipad and get creative with this awesome app!

Hope you try it out and have fun with it!

Surrender to your inner artist!
Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Personal Blog?

I am contemplating creating two separate blogs: one being strictly about art, fashion, hair, makeup, and activities pertaining to that, and then having a personal blog where I blog about random things, life, family, whatever obsessions I am having at the time or just whatever is on my mind. I realize I dont have too many readers who even glance at this, but that is ok because I believe in putting yourself out there in the universe and seeing what happens.

I feel like I am just all over the place especially in my blogs. I will keep one blog personal, and the other about art, fashion and all that creative stuff. So, comment if you would like on what you think I should do. Either way I am prolly gonna do it anyways. lol

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Do you Hookah?

Last week, I was invited out to a hookah bar (which in case you dont know what that is, it is a place to chill, relax and smoke flavored tobacco) where they had an acoustic set for people to play. My brother played and Jermie and I hung out. I met the owner and chit chatted about the atmosphere of the place and I am going to be painting some pieces to be hung on the walls. I am sooooo excited!

This place just opened up a few months ago and although there are no photos except for their hookahs, I can say it is a relaxing atmosphere for a variety of crowds. There are black leather couches and low coffee tables, low lights with a red tint, two flat screen tvs which they tune into the UFC fights. They just added a pool table too! There is no alcohol yet, they are working on getting their beer and wine license in case anyone who drinks and you can be 18 to get in! So for all those who cant go to the clubs, this is a nice alternative.

Every other friday night, a belly dancer dances! And she has some moves! I am literally typing this blog while she is dancing! I love it! Oh and did I mention, they have FREE WI-FI!

Oh, and she just made me try and dance with her! I can dance, but I cant dance like that! It is a really fun environment!

Here is their website:

I will be coming up here either on friday or saturday nights if anyone wants to come chill with me or hang out who is in the Virginia Beach Area (for my locals)

I hope you have a wonderful night, and if you are not in the 757 area, look up a hookah bar near you and go out, do something different! Explore the city you live in and have fun with other cultures!

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.