Warm Bodies Movie Night

My friend Kathleen scored some tickets to go to the early Premier of Warm Bodies tonight, so we made a family trip of it with my brothers, cousins and of course Hubby. I am glad for the chance to get out. Movies can be expensive! I mean $8 for some popcorn? Yea that’s shiiii cray. I go to the dollar store and stuff it in my purse…hahaha 


It was nice to get out of the house because I have been a hermit held up in my art zone just drawing and sketching. I have figured it out….I don’t like winter…I hate being cold and since our weather has been crazy..I have just stayed inside huddling up in my husbands broncos snuggie. hahahaha

Before the movie, I had to swing by Barnes & Nobles and cop the latest copy of Bound By Ink magazine. Oh yes, the best well one of the best tattoo mags out there! I cant wait to read it and check out their awesome photography.



We got to the theater early and got good seats. Previews were good, although I cant remember any of them. As for the main feature, Warm Bodies I thought was a cute and funny comedy. Not creepy or scary. I laughed out loud at a lot of parts. I think some of you would like it too, maybe? I like a lot of cheesy movies, so yall will just have to go see it and tell me what you think.


As for me, I am watching Lord of The Rings, The fellowship of the ring and I just finished another createmytattoo drawing for yet another contest. Its 230am and I think I will go lay my head down and try to go to bed. I am quite tired because I did do my Insanity workout and Pure Cardio workout really works my calves and I am ready to rest them!


See ya tomorrow! xoxox, Cecilia

My Work Space

I have spent a lot of time in my studio. Or what it is I hope to turn into my own studio. I have stayed glued to my seat under my drawing lamp and leaning on my tabletop drafting table with my heater permanently under my legs. I don't really like my set up, but I am really in NO position to even complain. I’ve been applying for jobs online, working on my freelance website, drawing custom tattoo designs, giving my family members free haircuts and squeezing in an Insanity workout. I may as well put a couch in here as much as I am in here. In my defense- at least I am staying productive. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it.
I got to thinking how I want to have this room set up. I know I want to have a better drafting table. I may have written this subject before but oh well. I remember I had a drafting table when I was in elementary school. I think my mom knew I was meant to be an artist. I started surfing for drafting tables and here are a few I found on of course- none other than Pinterest.
I really like the one above because it would give me tons of room for my computer, my junk food, I mean my healthy snacks and my coffee and all my art supplies.
I like this one above as well mainly because of the compact design and drawers, where I could put organizers in there for paper, pencils, markers, rulers, candy, erasers and other tools.
I like the idea of the glass one because you could maybe put a light and in turn make it into a light table. I kinda like the peg board…but not so much…too manly for me. hahaha
This one is pretty basic, gets the job done. I don’t really like this one as much.
This is the table you would work at if you designed for Nike! Wow. I don’t know who wouldn’t want this!
These tables are all nice. If you are artsy and love to draw, which one is your favorite? I think mine is the second one. But once you figure out which table, then you have to figure out what type of chair to get with it because that’s just as important. As I am writing this, my neck and shoulder is hurting because I know my chair does not go with this drafting table and this angle. ughhhh its so hard being an artist. hahaha
And if you haven’t seen my latest youtube video I just posted, you can check it out here! Don’t forget to subscribe!
Thanks for stopping by my loves! See ya again soon!
xoxox, Cecilia

Geeky Computer Gadgets

As I am making plans to turn my dining room into my studio along with trying to revamp my blog and make a new website, there are just a few things I have been scouring the internet for. Since I am going to be working on my computer overtime on my graphic design skills, I need a few gadgets to back my work up so I don’t use too much space on my laptop. I started looking online for external hard drives and check out what I found.
For you 80’s and 90’s babies babies, you may get a lil geeked out excited over these, well, at least I did!
This led me to looking for speakers…because my poor laptop speakers are nothing worthy to brag about. When I am drawing, I like to crank the music up and jam. Speakers and headphones are essential!!
Both speakers are from Walyou.com
( these above would work nicely too for my work out post from yesterday! )
These are solar powered and blue tooth wireless!
These are just cool and awesome and look more interesting. In some ways, nobody will even think what they are so it would be a disguise such as the external harddrives, the only thing you have to be careful of is that your kids might mistake them for toys!
Thanks for stopping by and see ya again soon!
xoxo Cecilia

I work out

I started the Insanity workout and it went really well the first week. In fact I lost 5 pounds and was able to fit into my favorite red pants. Then, I don’t know what happened. Well, I actually do..I got lazy. I skipped the whole second week. I want to blame it on switching medications for my leg, but I am just making excuses. So, even though today is Sunday and the Insanity schedule says that’s a day of rest, I went ahead and did one of the workouts just so I can get back on track and back into the habit. Ill be doing the second week workout this week even though I technically would be on my 3rd week if I stuck to it. *sigh*

They say it takes 20 days to form a habit, so gotta keep going.

I am noticing though, the clothes I am working out in are weighing me down and make it hard to do quick movements. Also my running shoes have just about had it and have seen their better days. So, I started looking online for workout gear. I know its not about being cute when working out, because I have no one to impress when I am working out in my studio. But, I do want to be comfortable.

I know I usually go to Forever 21 to get workout basics like shorts and tank tops. They usually have cute and affordable workout gear.


Forever 21


Forever 21


Forever 21

When it comes to my shoes, I am a Nike girl. I always have been. They are just comfortable and they never let me down. I have ran with them in the military, from Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq and pretty much everywhere I have lived. I usually stick to black because they’re easier to clean ( although the pair I have now are white and covered in glitter from working at Xotic Eyes. )


Shoe Zone




Finish Line

Here are some other cool workout accessories I found online.




Calorie Lab



The one above I would def use, but would like it in an elliptical form. hahaha

How is your workout coming along if you had that down as a resolution? What is the one thing you Have to have to workout?

Thanks for stopping by and see you in the next post!


Devote yourself to an idea. Go make it happen. Struggle on it. Overcome your fears. Smile. Don’t you forget: this is your dream.

Sketching Up A Storm

I have been working on my drawing lately. I found a website called Create My Tattoo and people go on there who are looking for tattoo designs and pay for the best one that they choose. I don’t know how I found it, I just did and I’m glad I did. It gives me a chance to work on my skills and possibly making a lil extra cash. With every drawing I get better. And it’s true what they say practice does make perfect.

I’m working on my art website, where I can focus on my freelancing. I love my blog and I am adding my artwork but I want to keep my blog separate from my work. I have been getting requests for artwork, and I want to direct those people to my art.

Here is some of my sketches I have been working on.







What do you think? Am I getting better? I think so.

Well, I need to get back to working on my art website. Thanks for stopping by and see ya soon!

Xoxo, Cecilia

My Lil girl is 9 today

Its crazy to think that 9 years ago, I was in the Army, stationed in upstate New York, and in the early morning of January 22, 2004 I was in the hospital giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. 21 inches, 7 ibs 1 oz.


Isn’t she the most precious lil thing! These pics were taken before I had to deploy to Iraq. These few pictures were all I had hung in my living quarters since I couldn’t see her or talk to her.



She has grown into the most loving, energetic, creative young lady and I am so proud of her. She is like me in so many ways and I adore her and love her to pieces.

We celebrated her birthday with a Hunger Games Theme because she is obsessed with Katniss. We just had some friends and family over for some food and cake, and then of course watched The Hunger Games on DVD.


It was pretty dark and I don’t have a flash on my Sony Bloggie when taking pictures, so this was the only picture I could capture..which I am surprised she sat still for me to take it because let me tell you, she is a ball of energy! She received some art supplies, a secret voice password activated journal, and some other really cute girly things.

Here are some of my favorite pictures with Arabella and I.


Happy Birthday, my love, my sweet Arabella, I am so proud of you.

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.- Agatha Christie

Insanity Again

A few months back, well, I cant remember when, I got a copy of the INSANITY workout from my mom when she got back from Korea and I wanted to try it out since I heard so much success with it. I kept up with it for about a week, then lost interest. I am done making excuses! The discs have been sitting on my shelf so I dusted them off, put my work out clothes on and started the first cd.



I didn’t have the workout schedule so I did find it online so that I could keep better track of my work outs and I am not just doing random workouts. (if you need it too, click the link highlighted in pink! )


I just did the first workout and I had to go to my own pace..but I kept up with it. I cant overwork myself straight out, gotta build up to it. I have been watching my diet as well, which is hard because I am a junk food addict!

I found a menu from a fellow blogger that I want to try out. I will eventually make my own

6-10-12 meal plan

I will definitely make some adjustments!  This inspires me to make my own menu.


This is a good idea to pack up my lunches and fruit snacks.

Ill post my progress as I go- maybe this will inspire you to do the same!




See ya soon in the next post!

Xoxo Cecilia Marie