Randomness and Restlessness
Counting down the days
Christmas is less than a week away! Can you believe it? This past week and last has been busy. I helped my mom out with getting her tree and decorating it. My mom’s style is very classic when it comes to the holidays. She loves the golds, reds and greens. Some of her ornaments are older than me. Lots of glass and ceramic ornaments and felt red bows. It’s relaxing to sit by her tree and have a fire going while we wrap presents. I took a quick photo while I was sipping on homemade hot chocolate.
One thing I love about the holidays is shopping. Even when I am not the one shopping, I love helping my family shop. I am one of those weirdos that actually like window shopping. Don’t judge me! While mom was trying on dresses, I practiced my skills in iphone photography. hahaha
Between shopping, running errands, time with the kiddos, I did some shopping on my own. I received a gift card early and decided to pick up a few things. I stopped by Jerry’s Art-O-Rama to pick up some paint and canvases. Then I looked at Ross to see if there were anything good. I have been searching for a pair of black boots that I could wear everyday or at least as much as I wear my brown ones at a decent price. I finally found a pair of black studded boots I love! I also found some fleece lined leggings and a winter sweater I can wear at Christmas Eve at my moms.
I wanted to make a video of what I got, but now that I am sharing a house with 2 other roommates, I just don’t have the privacy I used to when I want to film something. hahahah oh oneday, I will have my studio to have the space to do the artistic things I need to do.
Oh, and I almost forgot to share. My artwork is being used in a book! That will be in the next post! Im super excited to share it with you all! Stay tuned!
Xoxox, Cecilia
Another Thrift Store Haul
I have been on the search in many stores such as Macy's, Charlotte Russe, Papaya, Forever21 and other stores looking for "boyfriend" blazers. I didnt want blazers that were tailored too tightly or too short, and I wanted pockets and lets just say I tried on alot and none would fit right.
So, I went to the local CHKD that I love to go to that is next door to Jerry's Artorama. I found 4 or 5 blazers and a couple pairs of pants. See my video below!
I love going to Thrift stores mainly because I like finding things that are unique and different, not to mention it doesnt break my pockets!!!
Do you like to go thrifting? What do you look for when you go? I would love to hear your shopping adventures!
I am working on a few halloween tutorials so stay tuned!
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Surrender to Your Inner Artist
Outlets and Shopping
Thrift store haul
I finally was able to get this video loaded for yall who love to see hauls. This one is where I went to the thrift store and the art store and a few other places. Again the lighting is horrible, I am working on getting better lights. I need to finish my last homework for english and then I get a two week break from college until summer semester starts. Enjoy!
Do what you love and the money will follow.
Cruisin around
Hello my sweets! I made this video on my way out to run errands and do a lil shopping by myself (retail therapy) So, this is just me driving around talking and being weird and random. Hope you enjoy and try not to laugh so hard at me! Love you all!
Yours truly,
Sweet Surrender
Do what you love and the money will follow.
Shopping Fix
Do what you love and the money will follow.
The second part of my haul
So, as I wait almost impatiently, I guess I will just ramble on about whatever pops into my head. I feel like there is a ka-jillion things swimming around in my head, and even though I use a planner to its full potential and plan everything out like a geek, I feel like I can never focus on one thing. Do you ever feel like that? Like you have too much going on? It's a wonder that I even get anything done at all! I have to remember to take one thing at a time and before I know it, I have checked everything off my "to-do-list" and yes I have one!
I am so glad I am not sick anymore, I had broncitis last week and have been on antibiotics since then and I do feel better. I was told at the doctor's though I have high cholesterol, so I am trying to curb my cravings for fast food, because I am a junk-food-aholic!!!! and I want to start running again.
I feel like I am writing too much, maybe its me from being delusional and in denial about being tired, so I will end this and will include the link to my latest upload, the second part of the haul. Enjoy and goodnight!
Do what you love and the money will follow.