Finally able to upload!!!

So, last week I posted about our fashion show, and I wanted to include the video with it, but for some reason. from a laptop, it wouldnt upload, prolly from interupted internet connectivity, so I got it loaded from a regular computer and yay it worked!!!!! So here is the video:

Our theme was high school cliques:

We had cheerleaders, nerds, gangstas, hippies and the plastics. So enjoy watching!!! and more videos are to come!!!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Girl Time with Family

After my Core fashion show, I cruised on over to my aunts house and picked up my cousins, and I was still in my "chola costume" from the show, and when my cousin answered the door, she screamed out, "Oh my God, you look like a chola, I thought some gangster girl was knockin on my door!" I told her that was the point! hehehehe

After I changed, (because I did not want to roll up to the mall in this), I took my cousins out to the mall, I wanted to get this anchor necklace from Charming Charlies, (which I will include in my next blog) which I absolutely LOVE!!!! We browsed around a few shops, like Forever21, which was just remodeled at our mall and it is now two stories high and just fabulous! I ended up buying some lavender scented makeup remover wipes. After that, we were STARVING! I took them to Johnny Rockets!

Marina and I have been here before, but Lauren has never been, so of course we went in and took seats at the counter, we put money in the juke box and selected "Heard it through the grapevice" but our jukebox must have been broken and it stole our nickle!!!! we still loved it and sang along to the other 50's throwback songs that were playing.

we all ordered root beer floats and burgers and fries! so Yummy! We had a great time!

me in love with the vanilla icecream in my float

marina who just got her braces off!!

Lauren with her first johnny rocket root beer float
They loved that I took them out, and said thank you and I told them that it was my pleasure, their mother used to take me out when I was younger, so I was just returning the favor. I told them that they will have to do these type of things with my daughter when she gets older! With family, remember it is the little things that mean the most! I hope everyone can find time to spend with their family, and if you cant at least call someone up and tell them you love them!

Burgers and root beer floats, your sweet surrender, Cecilia Marie
Do what you love and the money will follow.

We made it through!

Part of the Rudy & Kelly Paul Mitchell  Cosmetology School, the first 6 weeks of attending is called CORE class. In this class we get a small taste of what we are going to learn while attending the school, such as haircutting, perms, relaxers, highlights, color and so much more.  We entered the class, about 20 of us on the first day, not knowing anything about each other and at the end of the 6 weeks, we became a family. It may sound cheesy, but its true. It is not very often that you get in a room full of women and we have a bond. We are all adults, there isnt any drama. Sure, we may get on each other's nerves but all in all we truely care about one another. When we are struggling, we know we can call on each other to help. These women I got to know, and I opened myself up to them and they accepted me, non judging and to me, that is the meaning of true friendship.

For our last week of CORE, we had to perform a practical, where we are tested on our skills that we had learned up to that point, and we also had a written test. We even had to do our first male haircut! But the highlight of our CORE was our last day, where we were able to hold a fashion show.

So as a group we came up with a theme: highschool cliques. We had cheerleaders, a geek, some gangstas, a few hippies and then the Plastics. Not everyone was comfortable being on stage and in front of a crowd, but everyone had a part. We all helped with hair and makeup and came up with a skit and it turned out awesome! I had it videorecorded but somehow youtube and FB will not load it. I will continue to try. But here are a few pictures

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you have a great day!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

This week is FINALLY OVER!!!!

Again, this week has been super super busy. My lil brother left for California this past tuesday, and my mom arrived safely in Korea....which she didnt call...but I found out through FB. talk about power of technology. lol

my stressed out face!

Things are finally settling down, we are all moved in and trying to get settled. We havent been able to unpack all our boxes, but I am slowly workin through them one box at a time....but the house looks like are a bunch of hoarders.

And speaking of hoarders, my mother hoards empty boxes!!!!!! Crazy, huh???? I know! I was cleanning out my old closet and my mom has alot of PartyLite boxes because she is a consultant and all the boxes were empty!!!!

Well, this will be a short post for to go unpack!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

A big Blur

I painted this last year and decided to give it to Lucy, a girl in my class
Alot has happened this week, I am sorry I havent blogged in a while, but this week has been so busy with classes in both schools, preparing for tests, taking hubby to work, spending time with the kids, and with my mom and brother leaving this week, it has been a lil hectic and I am stressing out a lil bit. One of my classmates told me today something I usually tell other people, but we rarely ever take our own advice, but she told me "Take one thing at a time" and I swear, a lil lightbulb went off in my head. I took a deep breath and exhaled. 

My first cut!!!

The last week,  in Rudy & Kelly Paul Mitchell School, we finally learned how to cut hair, and then we had spa week where we learned how to do facials, manicures, pedicures and waxing! It was so much fun to finally learn these things. Who knew there was so much to cosmotology??? Also, a couple weeks ago, one of my classmates, Terry gave me this awesome "face" award ( face means giving recognition to someone) for my Sweet Surrender Blog! She painted and decorated a record, which was the soundtrack to Grease (which is one of my favorite movies)!

This week, my husband and I are moving back into mom's since she is moving to Korea for a year :( We had a Bon Voyage party for my mom last week along with my brother's bowling birthday party. Here's a couple pictures.

Me, Nick ( a friend from Rudy & Kelly we ran into) and my mom Bon Voyage

Lets go bowling!!!

That was my past week! Once I am all settled in and things have calmed down, I will write more when I can. Things to look forward to:  Shopping for a makeup kit, my new haircut, how to make a zebra fabric bullitin board!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

I love my brothers!

Lucas and I at his birthday party

Jeffrey and I with our scary faces lol

My brothers and I are ALL 9 years apart. Crazy huh? I guess my mom wanted to make sure she always spaced us out and one of us could watch the other. hahaha well, thats our theory on  it. I am the oldest at 27 years of age, followed by Jeffrey who is 18 and then Lucas who just turned 10 a few days ago. We are all goofy, crazy, a lil sensitive, creative and we are all cheesy and love to be on camera. So here is a lil clip of us. Hope you enjoy!

I don't have any sisters, but I am pretty close with my brothers and that might be because I am a tomboy and I goof around and play video games and wrestle around. Even though were all far apart, and I didnt get to spend alot of time with them the past 10 years, because I left to go to the army and then I was moving around a ka-jillion times!

But i love these guys and I am proud to be their big sister.

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Target Forever 21 Haul

I was able to squeeze some shopping in between classes and errands last week stopping into a few of my favorite stores such as Target , Five Below and Forever 21.

Here are a few of my favorite items I got:  In the picture above: this blue coat from Forever21 for only $12!!

and these jeans (ignore the goofy look on my only $9 and they fit nicely, not too tight, not too loose and they do not shrink!  I hate when I buy a pair of good jeans and then they shrink from the dryer, so the past few years, I started to take care of my jeans. I wash them inside out ( this helps to keep your jeans from fading) and then I lay my jeans flat to dry.  Doing these lil tips will help to keep your jeans in good shape and extend the life of them.

So I made a lil video of what I bought on my lil haul video....The original video was 17 minutes...2 minutes over the limit so I had to split it into 2 parts. Here is part one above:

and here is part 2 below:

Hope you enjoy watching! Thanks for reading!

Do what you love and the money will follow.