Sweet Sugar Skulls

I have a thing for sugar skulls some would say. I am not sure where or when the obsession developed, but its there. Maybe it’s the colorful designs, the eerie skull decorated with jewels and roses. Maybe it’s the idea of celebrating the lives of our loved ones who have moved onto heaven. Either way, I love them, in any shape or form sugar skulls, or anything dealing with Dia de Los Muertos or “Day of the Dead”.
What is your take on them?
This last picture is a sugar skull I designed myself and actually have tattooed it on myself. I only have the outline done, but I have more to go on it. What is your favorite type of artwork? Do you like sugar skulls? Yay or nay? I would love to hear from you!
Xoxo Cecilia

The Painted Body

I have a body paint project in the works right now and I am so excited about it. I have not done a full body paint in a while, with the exception of Halloween, which was actually only half a body. I have been itching to get back to it for some time, the only problem is having a place and enough supplies to do it. While the technicalities of it are low, inspiration is at an all running high right now. I have been sketching up some really fun ideas that I want to incorporate. There is so much you can do with art, it amazes me. Here are some awesome body paint and face painting designs that have inspired me lately.

Things have been slow lately, but March is when things start to pick up in all areas of my craft. I need to order more supplies and get stocked up on body paint. I did spy a UV body paint kit at Spencers, but I am not sure of the quality so I will have to test it out. I am partial to Wolfe Paints myself, but I am anxious to try some new brands.
I hope this inspired you to try something out of the norm. I cant wait to share more with you as time goes on. Have a great day and “Surrender to Your Inner Artist”

Painting Muses

The past couple of weeks have been busy. And I am not complaining! I had some gigs to include a video shoot, a baby shower and a Great Gatsby Party where I got to do some live painting! How cool is that? I love my job and the fun things I get to do!
I love when I go to a gig, and the adults have more fun with the face painting than the kids!
I was invited to work on a mini video project with a local R&B singer which she has an amazing very catchy song! Her voice reminds me of Lumidee, if you know who she is.
Through networking at the baby shower, it led to this Great Gatsby event, where I stood on a mini stage and painted the scenery around me. I decided to focus my painting on the band. The music they played had me energized and was really in my groove. I was so into my zone, that when guests came to talk to me, I was startled! The client kept this cute painting as part of the whole experience, but this event is going to open up more exciting opportunities like this!
I channeled this look for the party because I don’t like to go with the norm. haha
I am working on other projects now, I finally figured out how to keep Jacob occupied when I need to get work done and that is a big bone! So far it’s working! Look how big the pup has gotten! He will be 6 months old on the 13th. He just keeps growing!
I have been organizing my business stuff for tax time. womp womp womp. It is necessary though right?
One of my friends from fashion class has been making cute lil beanies with some very interesting patches on them! I keep telling her to make an online store and a blog!
This was me after this past weekend of helping a friend move into a new house. With this and jazzercise classes with my mom, my body is beat! haha
I am off to work on some more projects after I grab some coffee to wake me up.


Last week, Virginia Beach was declared in a “state of emergency” while we received more than the usual amount of snow at a whopping 7-10 INCHES!  Kids were sent home early yesterday and even the library was closed early for everyone to go home and prepare for this massive “snow storm”. Geez. Ridiculous. I know we don’t get a lot of snow here, but people were buying everything out at the stores like it was the end of the world, when usually no one does anything when we are faced with a hurricane. I guess all we can do is laugh at everyone going crazy. haha
I did go to the store and grab some munchies to last for a day or two, mainly chips, soda, pizza and lets not forget chocolate donuts for creative purposes. I bunkered in for the night, and was introduced to “snow cream” and I am apparently one of few who have never heard of it. I quickly learned it was fresh snow mixed with either milk, half and half, condensed milk or creamer mixed with sugar and viola!  SNOW CREAM. It reminded me of the little blizzard kit my daughter got for Christmas a few years ago and it was almost like a milkshake. Pretty tasty.
I have stayed in all day mainly because the roads are not plowed and I do not want to risk getting hit by someone who has no idea how to drive in the snow. I am thankful I do have experience from driving in the snow thanks to good ol’ Fort Drum, NY where I was stationed for 4 years. Oh, if only I knew where some pictures were. hmmmm. And how could I forget the many winters I have spent in Denver, Colorado. I have had my fair share of snow and I cant wait to move south in a few years.
I have kept myself pretty busy thanks to be confined to my house and even though I do not have internet at my house (which is probably for the best, so I do not get distracted) I have finished a few drawings and now working on some other projects.
Check out these:
1521732_716335551723529_2023504909_neagle kids namessword tattoo two rosestribal owl and tiger 

I am pretty proud of myself for being able to stay focused for longer than 15 minutes. haha
What have you guys been up to?

Randomness and Restlessness

I just finished editing the latest youtube video, which is a follow up on my last post of the Eu Natural Vibrance Hair Supplements. Since I had everything ready from my other video, I decided to make a review of it. So you can check those out further down in the post.
It’s Thursday and I have been coming to the library pretty much everyday this week, and I like to think I have been pretty productive. Don’t we all like to think that? haha
I have been drawing and working on createmytattoo.com websites, I don’t want to post the work just yet, because the contests are not over yet. It throws me off because I am so used to posting my art as soon as I am done drawing them.
So here is the first video which I posted earlier this week of a mini shopping haul:
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and LIKE!
I got some pretty cool items, which I didn’t take pictures like I usually do, so you’ll just have to watch to see what I got!
Here is the video I just finished and includes the discount code as well!
Don’t forget to subscribe, comment and like my channel!
I have been swamped trying to organize all my art projects so I stay focused. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with everything I need to do. I am also making sure I keep all my business stuff organized since it’s the beginning of the year. Tax time is right around the corner!!! AHHHHHH!
Do any of you guys have issues organizing your stuff? or keeping focused? Or am I the only one?
Well, I am off to work on drawings! Wish me luck on staying focused!!