Jungle Fever

Last night, we all went down to the beach for some good ol' fashioned miniature golf fun! Its been a while since any of us have gone and its the first time all of us have gone together! Before heading out to play, we grabbed dinner at None other than "Five Guys and Fries" (which I talk about alot). A new location has just been opened a week ago in the Hilltop area (if youre familiar with Virginia Beach Area)
And they are about to open one not too far away from where I live (in walking distance)

Then after downing delish burgers and fries, went to Jungle Golf where we all channeled our inner pro golfer for Hole in Ones...Matti got two hole in ones back to back!!!!! I was so happy for him and he was proud of himself too! I didnt do too bad withtwo hole in ones myself and Jermie got one. We even had time to play some videos games in the arcade. Matti wanted to do racing cars and motorcycle games so me and him got to ride off together on some fast courses....lol

Now, off to write another blog of what we did today!

Burgers and golf balls, Sweet Surrender

Do what you love and the money will follow.

It would be an Honor

Good evening my sweets! I hope everyones day has been good! As for me, today has been really productive, I had alot of energy and I hit the ground running this morning, getting 11 boxes signed off on my worksheet for Rudy & Kelly Paul Mitchell.

I have been really motivated also to try my best to complete the Honors Graduate Packet.  It has a few different categories such as cutting, texture, color and makeup. Each section has a list of things you must complete and you take alot of pictures of "before"  and "after", but I want to graduate from this school with more to show than a certificate. I want Honor's!

In make up class, we learned different eyeliner techniques (which I am thinking about posting a video or blog on) and also how to apply false eyelashes! Here is a picture of some cool things you can do with lashes:

I am so excited to practice putting on lashes on myself and on my guests! well, I have a ton of research to do for this photo shoot I am planning along with more videos. I hope all yall have a great night!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Out of the KILN

Here is the Mother's Day art video I finally finished editing! Jermie and the kids all video and me too am filmed and you can see all finished products at the end! Enjoy! I hope this inspires you to go out and paint something special with that special someone!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Photo Stylist Contest!

Today has been awesome! School was great, starting out with a presentation of a new contest that Paul Mitchell is hosting for students (future professionals).  I got all the details but need to get the packet! Its from May to September and a student can submit 3 photos from a photo shoot displaying artistic skill in hair or makeup. It can follow a theme or be three separate looks. I am super stoked! The winner gets an all expense paid trip to LA to learn more about photo shoots by a celebrity stylist!

Here's a few pics from the winners of last year

I am totally inspired to participate in this, because this is what I want to do! Photo shoots and fashion and have models rockin my looks and visions!

I had a guest in my chair today by the name of Chloe! And she was a breath of fresh air! She has such thick gorgeous curly hair and a bubbly personality, I asked her immediately while lightening her hair from a dark to a beautiful golden brown if she would be interested in being a model for one of my photos for this contest! She said yes! So I am excited to start getting to work!

Lots to do and plan, from story boards, themes, makeup, hair....I could go on and on. But its getting late and need to go to bed when Idol is over :)

Goodnight my sweets! Have a great night or morning!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Played Hooky

I didnt go to school today, and I dont know if I was tired, or lazy or just wanted a "me" day but I played hooky or is it hookie? I dont know. But even though I was at home, watching more Glee, I did manage to finish laundry and finish my smartnotes for school and diagram some haircuts. I even updated  my LOOK BOOK with new photos of work I have done on my mannequin head and some make up as well, here's a sneak peek of what I put into it:

I also managed to get my brother off his butt and get some things done too!!! I had him take my photo for my chictopia blog. Today was rainy and I got a chance to wear my galoshes..that my husband thinks are crazy, lol but oh well.

Yesterday I did another marble design on my nails.check it out, I am getting better!!!

and while I finished up doing the lil things around the house and helped make dinner, I enjoyed drinking Cream Soda (my #2 fav soda, DR Pepper being my 1st of course in my "Imagine" cup

well, back to trying to finish a video to post. Goodnight my sweets!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

I am officially a GLEEK

Good evening my sweets! I feel so energetic, I dont know if its because I slept in, or just had a yummy chicken salad with white rice ( finally starting to eat healthier!) but I feel awesome. I think I work better in the evenings and nights...whats that called?  I think I am nocturnal. lol

I have been cleaning up, doing laundry and just started watching GLEE. I actually really like it. I found it on Netflix..and I am HOOKED.

It is hilarious.....especially this part in one of the episodes: Football team doing choreo to Beyonce's "Single Ladies"

I could not stop myself from laughing. Besides watching this, I updated my new CHICTOPIA blog, a website I found that men and women can post their outfits and you can go on there and comment, get ideas on clothing or advice. You can earn Chic points and shop on the website. I like it and there are so many people who blog on it. So if youre obsessed with fashion like me, check it out: CHICTOPIA

Here is an outfit I posted :

So, now off to finish my Mothers Day art video and get ready for bed.

Goodnight my sweets!

Do what you love and the money will follow.

Lazy Sunday

So, I am rackin my brain on what to blog about today. I have so many ideas but I want to just take this sunday to relax. The family went to a bbq to celebrate my cousins First Communion and that was nice to relax by the pool (although it was too chilly for me to swim in) and hang with my cousins and aunts. It was a muggy day today so I hung indoors mainly. :)

Jermie and I played ping pong and airhockey in the playroom....I suck at ping pong, but master of airhockey!!! (or at least I like to say so....) Is airhockey a sport??? I would be champion!

They caught some crabs from the crabtraps on the pier....and jermie kept tormenting one of them...but later became his dinner....

This was the first time that Jermie actually ate FRESH CRAB. lol! He enjoyed smashing them open.

So, that was my sunday..lounging around, catching up my blogs, youtube and whatever else....lol

Thanks for stopping by sweets..I promise my next post will be more interesting

Do what you love and the money will follow.