Get Blown

This week in school, were learning the history of perms and blowdryers and I thought it was really interesting the origins of things that we use in our daily life (well, the blowdryers at least).

This was inspired by the vacuum! Can you believe that? Its so crazy! The things they did back then to be beautiful..and we thought what we do now is painful, imagine back then! hahaha
This picture above shows one of the first electrical perm machine. The hair was wrapped and then clamped and heated by electricity. I saw this quote attached to it and cant help but giggle to myself!

This is what we have been going over, just wanted to share, and hope you get a laugh out of it!

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Wax On Wax Off

One of my Aunt's gave me this wax kit that she is no longer using since I am now training to be a cosmetologist. I have had it for over 6 months, and has been in a box for a while, so I finally busted this baby out.  Here is a picture I found online of the exact same product as I have:
The kit she gave me included this wax, (which you place inside the warmer), wooden sticks (used to apply the wax to area to be waxed) and then of course waxing strips.

I wanted to test it out for myself before I go and try to wax someone else. I tested my arm first, a small patch over my star tattoo, and then I moved onto my eyebrows. I wish I couldve taken a before and after picture, but my camera was charging and I just wanted to get it done! :)

I had the wax on a medium temp and it took about 15-20 minutes for the wax to warm up, there wasnt really a smell and it went on good for my eyebrows. I cut the strips into reasonable sizes for my eyebrows and it got alot of the big hairs and the lil baby hairs!

I had Success in Waxing! yay! so, if anyone wants their face done, you know where to go! hahahaha
warm, gooey waxy wishes, xoxoxoxox

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Practice Run Through

I met up with one of my models for my photo shoot contest this afternoon to practice the look for one of my themes, which the first one is a galactic/star theme. I am going for Avant Grade look, totally out the box.  I grabbed some pizza and Dr Pepper (Nectar of life is what my friend calls it! hahahaha) and met with her and we got right down to business. Here is some of my makeup spread out:

it looks messy but I know exactly where everything is lol
I want to do airbrush makeup for this look, but in the rules for this photo contest, you cannot use actual face paint, so I ordered airbrush makeup in a starter kit that comes with I believe 5 different colors, the 3 primaries(red, blue and yellow) and then black and white and from those you can make any color! I ordered that a few nights ago so I should be getting that soon! yay!

Here is a few pictures as a glimpse of what is to come. My model, Shiloh is so sweet and she has amazing eyes and is so fun to talk to. I played some music and we had fun just talking and at some point we couldnt stop laughing.

The colors are pretty but I think once I use the airbrush as a base, the colors will be more vibrant.
And speaking of Vibrant, now that I woke up this morning, I realized how RED my hair really is lol
I dont know why I look so serious. lol
In case you were wondering, I didnt color my eyebrows, I just used red eyeshadow to accent my eyebrows, which has been something I have been really diggin lately.

That was my day today, so now off to do some sketching for the next makeup look, which is peacocks! Until next time, stay sweet!p

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Black and Red!

Hello my Surrendered artists,  I am Done with my Blue phase! I am not by any means done being creative when it comes to color. I have decided though, that I wanted to go back to a darker color, not completely black but a really dark brown, with a splash of Red Inkworks!

This is what I had before my crazy blue/blonde fiasco:

Nothing too major here, just some peek-a-boos....and this was before I shaved my head! or at least half of it! I literally just got out of the shower because I had to wash it all out I was processing for an hour...because I started blogging! lol So, my hair is dripping wet and I am gonna go ahead and blow dry and straighten and I will take a picture and post!

Ok, here it is: (dont mind the no makeup and I have big circles under my eyes..because I am tired, but just cant go to bed!) hahaha

I love it! I have never had this Bright of a red before! In a few months, maybe I will go all red....we will see. Until then,

With red inkworks dripping wet hair.......

Sweet Surrender
Art. Beauty. Fashion.

First Pedicure

Yesterday, at school, I got my first guest pedicure. Some people freak at the thought of FEET, I dont really care personally, but I dont know if my brain just stopped working or if I was nervous of messing up, but I was just all over the place with my pedicure....

When I first learned the process of the steps to a pedicure, it was with my classmates back in february and we had our worksheets..see below

my blue toes....back when I had a "blue" obssession!
I hate these toe thingies, I know they help separate your toesies when youre painting color but they are just really uncomfortable, I always feel like when I put them on other people like I am inflicting serious pain! LOL

As for my guest yesterday,  I did an okay job, filing the nails, removing and trimming the cuticles and massaging the feet, but I TOTALLY forgot to even scrub her foot with the foot file.....I didnt realize it until I was already painting her about being slow! I got caught up in conversation with her about her and her family going on vacation to the Outer Banks. I had fun with her and she seemed to have fun with me. Hopefully she will come back and I can do some color service..which I am better at than pedicures! Hahahaha

That was my adventure yesterday! Blue toes and Pedicures, xoxoxox Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

Outlets and Shopping

While my mom was in town on leave, we went to the outlets to go shopping last week and of course I wore a really bright dress!

Here I am with my lil brother! We had a great time, where my mom dragged me into the Coach store to help her pick out a purse and she got me an early, way early birthday present of my first Coach purse or messenger bag I should say.

I did not get alot, I bought some Zoo York shoes, a scarf from Fossil, some M.A.C. nude lip liner, and M.A.C. Lady Gaga Lipglass.

Jermie got some clothes from the Ecko Store and so did my brother. We didnt stay too long that day, but we had a great time, shopping and looking around.

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.

The Glass is Always Half Full

I am taking a drawing class this semester at community college and in the stairwell of the building are these two light fixtures

I love this! No matter what life throws my way, whether good or bad,I always try to look at any situation I am in, in a positive light.I picture my proverbial cup of life as half full. It is so easy when we fall into a funk or depression for us to focus on the negative and the things we do not have.

When this happens, take a break from your stress and your worries and count the blessings you do have. For me, when I get sad or depressed about things that are out of my control, or when things are not going my way, I stop and remember to be thankful for friends and family and have a roof over my head and working on accomplishing my goals.

I just wanted to share this with yall in case youre just having a moment. Trust me when I say I understand how you feel and here is a way I get out of feeling funky, I just remember all the GOOD things and NOT give the power into negativity because the second you give in, it has the power to control you!

Have a great night, I am off to nighty night!

"When you forgive your imperfections and youve auctioned your clothes and you look to see your true reflection, you will be the one who loves you the most"

Sweet Surrender Art. Beauty. Fashion.