
Jermie is off at the Tech N9ne Concert and I have been home for hours since after work. I have been watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix as I am editing a new video for my new youtube channel I created to match up with my blog. I am still designing and setting up everything, but I should have everything up and ready to go tomorrow.

Here is a sneak peek of what I am filming about. Can you guess what it is?

I have had so much energy up until this very moment. Its like right at midnight, my brain is ready to shut off. But then, I get a second wind and start thinking about other things and it starts all over again.

I am about to do my "wednesday" workout from the workout I found on Pintrest that I posted on yesterday. My video is saving and it takes forever. ok, I feel like I am starting to not make sense. Time to put on some music, do my work out and go crash onto my zebra printed blanket my mom got me from Korea that is OOOOOHHHHH SOOOOOO soft and plush, I just melt into the covers..oh man....getting sleepy....NO! MUST WORK OUT....

I know it seems weird that I work out this late, but I am like a nocturnal animal. I operate best at night! My body and mind doesnt get tired so working out helps me sleep better. :)

off to do wednesday's workout,

Wireless Finally!

I just got done doing a workout I found online via Pintrest of course. I finally decided to get off my ass and exercise. I shouldve done this months ago, but with the pregnancy, then the miscarriage, then surgery and moving and well, LIFE got in the way. But its better now than never.

My husband walked in after my workout, as he walked up the stairs I did my best fitness poses in  my lil booty shorts and sports bra. He couldnt help but bust out in giggles as I did a belly dance. hahaha.

I am making a promise to myself to do this everyday and stick to it. Also, trying to eat healthier and in smaller portions. I'm not going complete health but, but I am getting there.

I finally bought a wireless router. I have been without one since we moved in our new place and it was just difficult for everyone to do what they all wanna do online, from reading books online, blogging, youtube, netflix and playing video games online. I got  this one from Kmart on sale for $29.99

It was the cheapest one I could find even though Jermie wanted to get a more expensive one. I am all about saving some money! I got it all set up in 5 minutes, it was super easy. I made sure everything was secure and I was off surfing the net. If you are looking for one on a budget, I would recommend this one.

It's midnight and I need to get off to bed, Jermie has to work super early in the morning.  Nighty night!

butt crunches and situps,

Fathers and Mondays

I cant remember what I did yesterday, that's how tired I am right now. All I know is yesterday was Father's Day. I remember making waffles, eggs and cinnamon rolls. Jermie and I went and visited my dad. We brought him these porcelain eagle figurines we found at a vintage store because he LOVES eagles. He loved them!

When I was over there, he had this photo on his end table, and I couldn't resist taking a quick photo.

I was I think 14 in this picture. I had just moved back to Virginia from Lakeland, Florida. I think I look more like my dad, especially in this photo. In this photo, we just got done driving from Florida. I spent every summer there growing up. Some of my favorite memories of my father and I were from roadtrips to and from Virginia to Florida.

This Monday went by fast! Work was quick, I even made a sale today (Yay!) After work, one of my good friends and client came by so I could highlight her hair. We got to test out my portable sink, she was my crash tester.  That was interesting and fun.....

I was able to squeeze in a quick workout on the elliptical and now, I am falling asleep writing this and my attention span is all over the place. I'm finishing up watching Forrest Gump too, that I rented from the of my favs. If you have never watched it, then you dont know what your'e missing!

ok, off to bed because I think I stopped making sense a couple paragraphs ago,

Saturday and Steak

We woke up early today to get Matti over to football camp. He was even more excited than last week, soooo cute. This is exciting for us all because he is involved in something he likes and I get to support him. The coach and his wife had T-shirts for sale with our team on them and so naturally I bought them. I love the colors. (I am not really into football, but I will be for my family!)

After practice, we headed over and met up with my brother and mom to lay out at the beach. It was also my mom's "20th" Birthday, so hanging out was a priority. But when we got to the beach on base, the water was so choppy and it was so windy. Sand was everywhere and so were clouds, which kept the sun hidden and made us chilly. We left there and headed to the pool hoping that wasnt so bad, but same conditions as the beach minus the waves.

To celebrate our mother's birth, we all helped to make a good home cooked dinner- steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Now, I am sitting here typing this, stuffed, sipping on coffee made from my mom's kuerig maker which I am lusting for...

..and now the kids are running amuck like they drank a coffee with extra expressso, my brother and cousin are running around outside in the dark with flashlights playing hide and seek. School just let out yesterday for summer and they are just ecstatic!

I have been searching Pintrest high and low looking for fun stuff to do with them this summer. I refuse to let them just stay inside playing video games and watching Netflix! hahahaha

Here are some cool things I found to do with the kids...via Pintrest! Make sure to follow me! Click the link or go to

I am excited about these, I need to actually do them with the kiddos this summer. Maybe I will start doing one activity per weekend and make a video to share it with all of you! What do you think?

Even if you don't have kids, some of these things are cool to do with a bunch of friends or family. Get in touch with your inner child and your inner artist!

Giant Kit Kat Bars,

Books and Blogs

One of my favorite places to go to relax, chill, clear my mind and to get some inspiration is the library. I love going there and getting lost among the books. You know the Disney Movie "Beauty and The Beast"? I am like Belle, who loves to read and read and read. I would die to have the library that is in that movie (even though it isnt even real) hahaha or I'll take any of these cool libraries I found courtesy of Google Image Search!

I went to the library because I wanted some reference art books to practice drawing some tattoos. While I was there, I searched for blogging and graphic design books. I found some awesome books. I want to share these with you.

I have been blogging for about 2 years and I really enjoy it. I love reading other people's blogs and meeting friends online who share similair interests as me. I really want to make my blog more than what it is and take it to the next level, especially since I am a freelance makeup artist and hairstylist. I do want to have my own business one day doing all the things I love under one roof, and blogging has def given me confidence that I can do all these things and that people would be into that sort of thing.

Why not make money off of something you love doing? Thats how I feel about my art and my work and now my blog. If youre on that path too, def check out these books! Good Luck!

In case your'e tight on money, such as myself, even if you don't have money to buy all these resourceful books at Barnes and Nobles, dont forget the library has books you can borrow. Thats why I love it there. I also check out dvds there. In fact, I've been watching movies from there the past few days.

Whats your favorite place to go to relax or get inspiration? The library, the mall, the park, a museum?

books and blogs,


Work Week

This friday, we are going to be having a half day at work due to the GM's son graduating high school, and I am so happy we are getting the afternoon off. Not that work is hard, and I would love to work more hours, but sometimes it's nice to have time off instead of calling out of work. I didnt get a chance to post some of the photos from our dress up fridays that have become sort of a tradition.

Last week was Prom Day. We had the option to dress in the time we actually went to prom, or we could pick a what do I pick??? 80's Prom! hahaha I rummaged through my mom's closet and found a few awesome dresses. This one actually fit me pretty good compared to others. What do ya think???

 Of Course, I teased up my hair BIG 80's style, did the blue eyeshadow and red lips...I was a hot mess. hahaha We had fun and cranked up the music and danced around. We even voted on categories. I got the awards for "Most- Spirited" and "Most Likely To Succeed" We all brought food and pigged out. And I brought my chicken lumpias. YUMMY!!!

The week before, I showed we dressed up as zombies, and I never posted the week before that which was Twin Day. Employees dresses alike.

Myself and Kelly

Britt and DJ

Joe and Nichole

Shannon and Cindy
We definetly try to have fun on fridays and dress up with theme days. Do you ever dress up for work or school? What good ideas do youhave for a dress up day?

This friday, there will be no dress up day, but were all gonna meet up at the beach and kick back and relax! I can't wait. I need to get some sun and catch up on reading "The Celestine Prophecy" and start a new book or two that I picked up from the library.

What are your plans for the weekend?

 The Dress up geek,

Destiny and Fate

I am one of those crazies who believe in destiny, fate and karma.  I don't believe in coincidences or that things just happen. Take for instance the path we are all on. Sometimes you feel like your not centered. We all feel like this sometimes. I've been reading the Celestine Prophecy again, and this book has alot about this subject, but I have always been into that type of stuff, but regardless of me reading this book, I take notice of my environment and how things pan out. Check out that book for a good good read!

Do you ever feel like you are meant to do something else with your life or be someone else? I have felt like this for years when I was in the military or working as a contractor, or some other job, I always felt like I was wasting my talent of being an artist. Do you ever feel that way?

I felt that way up until about 2 years ago, when I moved back to Virginia from Colorado. I stopped making excuses as to why I couldnt go back to school, or why I couldnt do something I loved. I immediately went back to school, switched majors and ended up in beauty school instead, something I really wasnt interested in doing. That turned out to be the best thing  I ever did, because it led me to bigger things. I'm not completely where I want to be, but I am moving towards it. Every thing that happens, every person you meet, is just one step closer to where you are supposed to be.

Whatever youre dealing with, or you feel like you are not on the right path, I want to tell you that youre not alone in feeling this way. Dont wait for things to change-be the change! I wanted to share some inspirational quotes I found of course via Pintrest. I am a strong believer of taking charge of your own destiny and going for your dreams.

So, what are you waiting for?