It was dress up day today, so everyone came in wearing cute, creepy, funny, sweet or crazy costumes. The weather turned very chilly today with cold wind and some ice rain, I thought it was going to snow. I just found out that parts in NYC got some snow too. CRAZY!!!
I decided to dress up as a Marionette/ Lolita Doll. The best part of this look was the eyelashes! I love how it makes my eyes bigger and doll like. I wanted to do more to this look, but just didnt have the time. I will have to do a photo shoot and elaborate on all the details.
This is my friend Jinaki who dressed like a guy! hahahah
There were lots of other awesome looks: check out these photos:
Today went by super fast and now I am at home, lounged out in my bed- it is so cold outside- so I have my fluffy socks on, sweatpants and a comfy sweater and my laptop to keep me warm. hahahaha
My hubby is out with my brother doing the Zombie Run in Ghent Norfolk so I am getting some relax time :)
What do you like to do when you are home on a cold night? Watch movies? Make hot cocoa? Leave a comment, would love to hear about you! Dont forget to Join or Follow my blog for more updates!
There was a eerie feeling in the air today at school- I dont know if it was the cold, wet weather outside and all of us running around inside or the fact that halloween is right around the corner, but the air was just energized and charged.
During our makeup class, Ms. Angie was glamified with orange lips and lashes and looked amazing! We had the chance to bust out our halloween fun makeup and had a friendly competition on who could do the best halloween makeup.
My setup SMA
A few days ago, I watched a few videos of a MAC competion with Snooki as the host, where they had to create a halloween look and one of the looks really hit home with me and it inspired me to recreate the look. Watch these two videos and youll see what I mean:
Here is the final look of M.A.C. Makeup Artists: Joey Camasta and Carly Utting: This looks soooo amazing!!!!!!!!
This look won them a trip to Vegas to do Snooki's halloween makeup! I bet they are soooooo excited too! Have fun for me! hahahaha
I took my own spin on it and recreated this in class today!
Before Shot with Model Stephanie
After *Surrendering* to my makeup skills hahahahaha
Stephanie and myself growling- and a peek at what I changed my hair color to!
I had so much fun doing this look, and I won the mini competition - the prize was Candy Necklaces!!!! hahahahaha and I ate mine up so fast I had a sugar buzz the rest of the afternoon!!!
I also had my Theory Final- where about 8 of us had to take- I was up studying every night and last night I drank a whole pot of coffee just to stay awake and go through each chapter twice. The main chapters to study were Anatomy, Electricity, Chemistry, Skin and so many other chapters- and I am proud to say that all that studying paid off- because I passed with a 96%- YES!!!!!!!! Our of 100 questions too! WHEW!
So, now I am just waiting to graduate- which will be around December 13th! I am super excited! Then in January, I will take my State Board Theory Test and Practical.
Well, I need to go to bed- its going on 1:00AM and were dressing up tomorrow at school- I need my beauty rest hahahaha
Thank you for stopping by my blog- dont forget to join/follow for more fun filled posts!
I wanted to do a Halloween Tutorial this season, and instead of doing cutesy, sexy or silly looks, I wanted to do something scary from my childhood. I am not scared anymore of the character but when I was younger, I sure as heck was scared of Chucky, and I had never even seen the actual movies.
But now that I am an adult, I watched the movies years ago and just laughed my butt off at it. Gotta love cheesy 80's movies. hahahaha
I hope you enjoy this tutorial. It is my first halloween makeup tutorial and it is rather long, but I make up for that in BLOOPERS!
You can watch it here below, or SUBSCRIBE to my youtube at Foreveriris757
What is your favorite scary movie character from your childhood? or from now? I would love to hear from you!
Surrender to Your Inner Artist
Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title. ~From Scooby-Doo
Yesterday, we did something special during class that we normally dont get to do as much and we got a chance to have a photoshoot at school. We partnered up, had to make story boards and then complete the look.
It took me forever to think of a good theme to do that wasnt too crazy or weird. Lately I have been planning what Halloween looks I want to do you some upcoming tutorials, but after walking around Micheals Craft store forever, I finally decided to do Dia De Los Muertos AKA Day of the Dead.
Take a look!
My story board for this look! and part of my set up
My model: T'Tielle Before
Her and I after :)
It was so much fun doing this. I have been wanting to recreate this type of look for a while now, and so I couldnt make an excuse not to do it when we had to do this photoshoot.
For anyone interested in how I did this or what products I used, I am going to make a tutorial on it, hopefully I can get it done this weekend in time for anyone wanting to do this.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a fantabulous day!