Hello Kitty POP Inspired Makeup

One of my best friends, Jackie and her boyfriend bought me these awesome, loud, bright, fun pair of Hello Kitty Vans. I was inspired by these shoes to make a fun eyeshadown placement.

Here is a closeup on the eyeballs!

  I am in love with these and they are mucho comfy! :) Here is a picture of the shoes!

Do you like my makeup here? I filmed another tutorial  showing how to do this so I will post this either tomorrow or thursday :)

I filmed this tutorial on Christmas Day, and I finally got a day off to actually edit it. As one of my UNOFFICIAL New Years Resolutions, I wanted to start filming more makeup tutorials and hosting giveaways. This blog has become more to me than just a blog, its become my secret world (even though its public for the world to see) hahaha Its cool to be able to connect with other readers and post things that interest you. I can express myself in a personal and creative way. ok, ok, Im getting all sappy.

But I wanna say thank you to yall who stop by on my lil page. Its helped me alot in my confidence in my skill and my craft. SO THANK YOU! ok- onto my tutorial! ENJOY! Dont forget to subscribe to my channel!



“Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are.”
Lady Gaga
Surrender to Your Inner Artist

Underwater Photoshoot

A few weeks ago, at a meet and greet, I met a local photographer Dana Chapman and just last week, I was able to do some makeup for him during one of his Underwater Photoshoots with a model by the name of Nicole Lousie Roesh.  I was so excited to work on this photoshoot, I have never seen anything like it and I just fell in love with this type of photography. It is truly unique.

Oh and BTW, I only did the makeup for Nicole- not the other models!
I encourage you to explore his portfolio, I have included links to all his pages as well. He is in the local Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area and if you are interested in doing this type of photography, contact him! And if you need a MUA (Makeup Artist) who specializes in Underwater photography, you know where to find one :)

Model Nicole Lousie Roesh
Model Nicole Lousie Roesh
Model Nicole Louise Roesh
Here are a few other photos of Dana's Work that I thought were pretty amazing and they are my favs!

Model Tara Lynn
Model Tara Lynn

Where you can find Dana Chapman:

Photographer Dana Chapman


Some of the models you can click on their names and should take you to their FB pages!  

Nicole Lousie Roesh:

I hope this inspired you to think outside the box with your next photoshoot! I am actually going to be doing another photoshoot next week for Xotic Eyes with Dana doing another photoshoot, So be on the lookout! Thanks for stopping by!  

Surrender to Your Inner Artist

Bring in the New Year

Happy New Year in 2012! I hope you all have brought in the new year with loved ones and friends.

My new years eve was a lil hectic, I was trying to finish up two sewing projects since my sewing machines were all broke! I have 3 sewing machines, and all 3 are broken. Like, really???? So, that set me back on alot of time and it really hurt me in the end. I was really frustrated with the pattern I chose for this dress and then having to add a liner was a pain. It ended up being too big for the client. UGHHH!!!

I will blog about this project later.... for those other sewing enthusiasts.

But to go back to My New Years, hubby and I rang in the New Year together with a few good friends.

My husband and I have spent many New Years Eve's alone or in tough times together and before we met. Last year we hung out with friends and had a good time, but this year, it was just amazing to see how far we have come in the past 3 years. Every year, it just seems to get better and better.

This New Years, Jermie and I really didnt make a resolution for ourselves. I dont know why we didnt, it just didnt feel right that we should. I am always setting goals and planning out things. I dont know where 2012 will take us. 2011 went by so fast. I met my New Years Resolution of 2011, and that was graduating from Paul Mitchell. This year, I want to save up for a house or a down payment on a house and to get my Business off and running. Jermie wants to get started in Automotive training.

What are your New Years Resolutions?

Surrender to Your Inner Artist

Pick Me Up

With the New Year creeping up fast, many of us feel more energized. We all set goals or resolutions, and usually were motivated to do different things like lose weight, go to the gym, eat better, watch our spending, or trying something new everyday.

Not everyone feels this way when the time comes to ring in another year. Sometimes, we feel out of place, lost or we feel nothing. Completely unmotivated. We need a PICK ME UP every once in a while to remember what it is that we are working towards.
As an artist, I sure do have my days where I just dont know what I am doing with myself. I dont want to do anything, and I try to talk myself out of doing things, or I make excuses as to why I dont want to start something.

We all need reminding of what it is we are working towards. Its easy to get down, or depressed when things arent what we want them to be. We see our peers, family and friends doing things and we feel that slight ting of jealousy although were happy for them, we get pulled into a funk.

I just wanted to remind you  to just chill. If youre feeling overwhelmed, lost or unmotivated, maybe you need a break. Take some time to just refocus, and find some inspiration. Take a small day trip somewhere, read a magazine you normally wouldnt, log in to PINTREST hahaha.or call a friend to talk it out- youll feel better getting it all out! When your ready to move to the next step, you ll know when that time is.

Dont ever compare yourself to what other people are doing in their lives. You will never move forward in your path if your focusing on what other people are doing. Make a dream board, where you cut out images of your goals, your hopes and dreams and post it where you will see if daily. If you goal is to one day own a salon, or a boutique, having images of your dream goal helps to give that reminder to keep going.

Even though your goals may seem too far away, everyday offers a new experience that you take with you on your journey. Focus on what you need to do and as each day passes, it turns into weeks, months and then all of a sudden, youre at that moment in your life when things are going your way.

We all have our days. If you ever need a pick me up, you can come here :) For a smile and an online hug!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed your stay!

This is for you Jinaki! I love you

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.

Surrender to Your Inner Artist

PINTREST Instant Addiction

After finally giving into what everyone was telling me: "Like, dude!!!! You need to get on Pintrest", or "I love PINTREST, I am soooo addicted", or "I pinned all these cool things on my wall". It peeked my interest and finally got an invite (because its invite only to be able to log in on it) from my friend.

As soon as I got on it, I just couldnt stop. Everything is divided up into categories, and you can browse what other users are "pinning" onto their digital bulletin board. Its kind of like a collage of different items and if youre looking for cool DIY ideas, or decorating ideas, or anything, its a cool site to find some interesting stuff.

The coolest part I like is that if youre browsing around online, or shopping online, you can "pin" whatever your looking at to your board and share it with others and you can follow other peoples boards and what they post.

You have to have an  invite to be able to login, but anyone with an account can send an invite! So, if youre reading, and want an invite, you can leave a comment below with your email address and I would be happy to send you an invite so you can get addicted too! hahaha

Surrender to Your Inner Artist

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to everyone of you that came to visit me here! My Christmas was awesome, I am so thankful for my family, my husband and our children. A couple years ago, I spent Christmas renting a room in a basement in Colorado and wishing I was back home. Last year, I came back and felt so blessed to be home. This year is the same, except that my mom is still in Korea. I had to take her place as the host, I mean the Hostess.

Last year, Snow paid us a surprise visit..luckily no Snow this year... I hate snow
Everyone came over last night for Christmas Eve, all my cousins and Aunts, and even invited a few friends over that didnt have families in the area. I made lumpia, fried rice, a crumbcake, set up a chocolate fondue for yummy dipping chocolate fun. Then everyone brought something, usually appetizers on Christmas Eve. There was Asian Spicy chicken wings, monkey meat ( just a funny name for beef teriyaki), chicken enchiladas, and I honestly dont remember what else. hahaha

I was so busy cooking and running around, I didnt even have time to put on makeup.

The kids stayed busy coloring while I ran around the house. Drawing gingerbreadmen in my various sketchbooks.

We all exchanged presents among the family, then after cleaning, kiddos went to bed. And woke up really early of course, and tore into presents, and it was over in 6 minutes. I have a video I am editing today and will post inthe next day or two of the kiddos and what we all got in case anyone wants to see :)

Matti with all his christmas card money and chore money...he said "I'm riccchhhh!"
coloring one of Bella's presents! I had more fun doing it than her
Bella and her lifesize paper dolls and Panda Pillow pet and scarf She loved it
Matti with his uncle jeffrey
We just finished eating some ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and rolls. yum!!!!!!!  Here are a few photos of the kiddos from today! I hope yall had a blessed holiday and thanks for stopping by!!!

Merry christmas!

Surrender to Your Inner Artist


I cant believe it! On Jan 11, 2011, earlier this year, I started my journey at Rudy & Kelly Paul Mitchell Academy to learn more about the beauty industry and hair, color, cutting, makeup, skin care and so much more. This time last year I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life, I felt I had no options. Now that I am done, I feel like I have unlimited options of what I can do in this career.

Today I graduated at 5:15pm and I cant believe it! I cant even begin to process it! I still have to take my state boards and get licensed but this is just one step closer to achieveing that!

I have met so many inspiring people, not just learning leaders on staff but other future professionals as well, and I hope that I have inspired others as well. I started out unsure of myself and why I was even in hair school when I am a fashion major and artist, but I found that I can combine all my passions into one. I dont have to limit myself to just one option.

As I practiced more and more on all my crafts, I became more confident in myself and what I can accomplish. Its just an amazing feeling to do something you love and for others to enjoy it as well.

In high school, I attended Fashion Design at Votech, and I had loved it soooo much, not just because of what I learned, but of who I met and the friendships I made. Going here is a similar experience for me. Life is really about the people you meet. You come to realize who are truly friends and who are not.

I know that I am not alone in this feeling, I hope that everyone has a pleasant experience while attending school. I was never one to get involved in drama, because life is too short for that and I dont have time! I know I am throwing out some cheesy quotes, but it really is true!

I just wanted to share  this amazing day with you!!!! Thank you for stopping by!

Surrender to Your Inner Artist