Kreative Thinking Apparel

I have exciting news to share with you! This past friday, I met up with the owner and CEO of Kreative Thinking, Antwane McClain to discuss me becoming apart of his team. He’s been looking for the last puzzle piece as he liked to call it to his creative team. So, who is Kreative Thinking?  Kreative Thinking is a very unique brand and company. Not only do they offer custom designs for you, but they have their own line in womens and mens that is just, well, no other way to put this…different, unique and something you don’t see all the time.





These were taken from a fashion show held in New York to showcase some of their creations. What I love most about it is that it fuses many different styles to make a new genre of fashion. And we all know we hate to rock something that everyone is already rockin’. We want to be unique, creative and express our individuality.

There is a big team of us all, whom I have only met through the internet so far, but I am anxious and excited for what the future holds. I’ve been brought onto the team to help out with any and all aspects of creating since I am involved in many different crafts such as sewing, fashion design, tattoo/logo design, makeup and hairstyling and fashion show coordination, I’m basically gonna be whatever they need me to be. Smile I couldn’t be any more excited! Many of you know my passion for fashion and my own dreams to have my own clothing line, this is just one more step towards my goals and what better to learn than to have experience with an amazing connected team of artists!

So, stay tuned for what the future holds! I cant wait to share more with you!

You can check out their website here at Kreative Thinking

Don’t forget their Kreative Thinking Facebook Page

Instagram: Kapparel



As always loves, thanks for stopping by! And if you haven’t checked out my latest you tube video, click below and don’t forget to subscribe


Inspirational Quote of the Day


Part of the Team

Earlier this week, I mentioned having a few meetings set up. But before I get to that, I have to get this off my chest. Remember that job I told you about that I got? Well, I must confess, I didn’t take the job. After thinking about it and seeing how my first training day is on the calls/sales floor, I knew right away that I wouldn’t be happy. I know that I need to think about the kids, but if I’m not happy at least a smidgeon, then I am gonna hate it. That is my confession. Do you forgive me? I hope so. Hubby did. haha But I am still looking for employment. Anyways, moving on!
I had a meeting with Roger Mitchell's Motiontography, well one of the photographers, Lance to go over a few things about working with them doing makeup and hair styling, or whatever the many things I do in the art world that they may need. I Love their work! Here are a few of their latest photos.
To see their facebook page, you can click on any of their images and it should open up a new page for you! Or you can visit their website at
I’m looking forward to some fun shoots in the future. The best part also is that their studio is not too far away from where we live and that makes it easier since gas costs so much these days! It will be real nice when our light rail system will be put into action!
I have more exciting news for you tomorrow, so make sure to tune back in! (Subscribe! Its easier! See the side link to “followers” or “subscribe!)
As always, thank you for stopping by! I appreciate each and every one of you who have been with me for a while or if your new to my site! See you soon in the next post! xoxox Cecilia

Rainy Wednesday Makes Me Sleepy

It is so miserable outside! Rainy and cold! It makes me want to stay in bed and not get up! I got a part time job this week. I should be jumping up and down, but honestly it’s not my dream job, but we all have to put food on the table and pay our bills that keep piling up. So, you want to know what I am gonna be doing? Get ready for it….telemarketing. Ugh. Yep, Ill be interrupting people’s life to try and sell them magazine subscriptions. Boring! But with Spring around the corner and many projects popping up, I need to get more art supplies and makeup and body paint so I can create create CREATE!

Speaking of creating, here is a few pieces I drew up last week!



SO sad news of the week, remember my old school projector that I have been using as a light box? Well, the light burned out so I haven’t been able to use it. Sad smile 

I’m so ready for Spring time! With warmer weather and sunshine, it can’t come any sooner. Well, I am off to get ready for the day! I hope you have a warmer day than me! xoxo Cecilia

Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.


I’ve been in  rocker type mood as far as what trends I am loving with hair and fashion. If you follow me on Pinterest, you may have already seen a lot of these, so I apologize if you are stuck seeing the same images, but if you love it as much as me, then yay for seeing them more than once.

With my hair being short and black, (I took out the extensions) I get very bored with my hair and fast. It’s not that I am looking for attention, I just really enjoy having different style hair, switching it up. It’s almost like becoming a different person when you change your hairstyle and its fun! I’m thinking of possibly going blonde when the spring/summer rolls around. Some of these images have really been inspiring me!






I haven’t been blonde in a while, and I think I am craving that change. Smile 

As for fashion, studs and leather are very IN right now, and I am loving the clean look, where rocker and girly collide to make a complete new style.








These are just a few of my favorites as of lately. I am sure in a week or two I will be crazy about some other style and color. But that’s why you love me! My total randomness! Right? I hope so!

Well, I am off to squeeze in an Insanity workout, (have to repeat week 2 again, geez! I’m missing a cd, so it throws me off! ) No excuses though, working out and then I’m off to an interview. Wish me luck, my lovelies! Have a great Monday and a great week!

Xoxo, Cecilia


Hot Pink and Red

I totally had a scattered brain moment earlier today. I totally thought it was still January, even though I know its February. I feel so scatterbrained all the time. Its about to be Valentines Day soon. I just mailed off my package to the other lovely blogger, Kerri I am swapping with(I know I should’ve a week ago, my apologies if your reading) I blame it on my scattered brain! You can check her blog out at Beauty and Things. I cant wait until she sees what I got her and when I get her package, I will blog and video it as well.

So, speaking of the most celebrated day of love, I have been saving images I come across that would be cute for Valentines Day whether they are outfits, shoes or gifts. I know most people don’t know what to get someone for this “holiday” but all you gotta do is pay attention. Depends on the person, but for me, I’m pretty simple. Candy is nice, flowers are a plus, a kitty, books, makeup, shopping spree, candles….art supplies….hahaha I am still hung up on getting a kitty. I love dogs too, don’t get me wrong, but I am more of a cat person. I still want to adopt this kitty, if she is still at the shelter.


Ugh. I’m getting off topic. Back to Vday and cute gift ideas. Here are a few I found:


This chair is awesome! What girl wouldn’t want this? I found this Pin Up Passion



These pink and red shoes and awesome! I have some favs! Like those pink skull lita looking boots. These can be found at



I keep hearing great reviews on these lipsticks! I am loving all these colors, especially the Oh La Lilac.


Check out these Pink Box Tool Boxes! Ive seen these babies in salons, tattoo shops, mechanic shops and everywhere online. I would love to have these babies in art studio! They also come in Lime green and now in Purple. They should make them in Tiffany’s Blue Color! Check them out Original Pink Box.


A lil creepy, but cool, A Jello Heart mold! Would you make this? or is it too gory? Found on


I found some cute guys stuff, well let me not say cute when referring to men. hahaha I found some cooooooool things from this website!


Don’t forget about the kiddos- basically anything with sugar they will love, but if you wanna try something different, here is a cookie bouquet by Cookies By Design


This card is soooo cute! I love traditional tattoo art and this is perfect. Check this out on Etsy


This would be perfect for any funky style girl (ahem, me! ) I have a thing for infinity scarves and this is pretty cute! Found on Etsy


You know my infatuation with galaxies and stars, this ring is beautiful. Found on Etsy

I hope this has inspired you for this years Valentines Day! What are you favorite gifts? or what are you planning on getting your loved ones?

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
Lord Byron


I cant get enough of this song. I just love it. I must have hit the replay button on this song along with a few others.


I just got done drawing up another design for another contest. I’m hoping to turn this into an actual job. haha They always say “DO what you love and the money will follow” I feel like that is happening. It’s like every direction I have gone in my life always leads me back to art. IN some shape or form, I always go back to art. I was so focused in fashion and my art in high school, then I joined the military and it was like I forgot I was an artist. I found myself only drawing when I was on deployments in my spare time. When I got out, I went back to school, back to art and loved it. Life happened and other things happened that distracted me like my kiddos, but I wandered back here and there. Years pass again, more life happens, and I go back to school.


When I attended the Art Institute I was so excited, in love that I was back involved in art studying fashion. I only attended 6 months, but they were the best 6 months of college I ever had. Fashion Illustration, color theory and Intro to Drawing were just my favorite. Art was my way of escaping from the real world. AT that time, I lived in Colorado and I wasn’t living in the best conditions but I pushed myself. I really feel like those times were almost the hardest and darkest times of my life. Art was my light. This was when I started drawing tattoo designs and started thinking about one day being a tattoo artist.


Above was one of the first designs I made for an ex boyfriend (heartless is right too! that’s should’ve been my sign lol)

I have really branched out since then. I went back to school when I moved back home to Virginia Beach 2 1/2 years ago and changed my major to graphic design, and then also enrolled in hair school, going to 2 schools full time. I was busy but happy. I discovered more of who I am as an artist in 2011. From makeup, to hair and to my artwork.



In 2012, I started working for Xotic Eyes, and I was really happy to work there for the experience and also because I was helping to create new looks and do the hair and makeup for the photoshoots. Then, after that going to work for a salon, I was excited to help create beauty. But I still always felt like it wasn’t enough.

And now, the past couple weeks, I have been putting my all into my sketches and artwork and trying to open my mind up and create beauty through tattoos and I feel so complete. I have developed a routine and I have to admit, I am loving it. Money is starting to roll in, slowly but surely and that tells me that I am headed into the right direction. And it feels good. I cant be afraid, I just have to do it.

I just wanted to share that with you and I hope that I didn’t bore you to death with this super long post!

Ill leave on this quote:

“You can’t make your dreams come true if you aren’t awake”


February Already

Today’s my lil brother, Lucas’s 12th Birthday! So, I want to say Happy Birthday to him, even though he doesn’t read my blog. hahaha I cant believe how fast he has grown up. I was 17 years old when he was born! My bros and I are all spaced out 9 years apart! Crazy huh? Here is a pic from when he got a mohawk in December! ! So cute!
It’s already February. Ugh. We have had some snow a few days ago, I couldn’t remember if I told you that. Our weather is so funky here in Virginia. Snow one day, crazy windy hurricane rain, warm enough for some people to wear shorts and flip flops, I am really surprised I haven’t gotten sick yet, but then again, I have been holed up in my house. Although, I did have to leave the house for some interviews. Looking for a job sucks, but necessary if I wanna pay the bills and keep food on the table right? hahahaha
So, I won my first contest on this morning, which made my day! I mean, a lot of people pay me to draw them tattoo designs, but its usually people I know. Well, last year, I did have someone from Canada hire me to draw something too. But you know it’s always a nice compliment when someone chooses your design out of a bunch of other artists. Here is the drawing I won (in case your wondering)
This was a music inspired tattoo, the translation is “We Live in the shadow of Music” I believe that’s right.
I also did this nice sleeve design and this one is for a friend of mine whom I attended hair school with. I really love this sleeve design. Whenever I draw something up, I always try to draw up something I would get myself. If I don’t like it, I will redo it. Check it out!
I have been trying to keep busy since I am not working. Just focusing on my artwork. Been fiddling with many projects, from my freelance website, to drawing, blogging, pinning, youtube videos, interviews, laundry, blog design. I’m hoping all my hard work will pay off.
I have been on HULU watching all my shows: Project Runway, which just started again! Then, watching FACE OFF..which I am sooo in love with. I wish I had the supplies to get into that field! I think that’s right up my alley too. Sigh….one can only dream right now.
Well, I am off to draw some more. Just wanted to show ya some drawings  and share a random video I filmed a few days ago

See ya again soon!
xoxox Cecilia Marie
Don't confuse your path with your destination just because it's stormy now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine.